Exciting New Sponsorship Team

As the new OSM Capital Committee Chair, two of my most important tasks are to analyze the results of our past sponsorship efforts, and build a plan to increase our effectiveness in onboarding new sponsors.

With this in mind, I am looking to appoint members to a revived Sponsorship Team to ensure the success of the organisation’s sponsorship efforts moving forward.  This team would live within the umbrella Capital Committee, which encompasses all the income generating activities of the project.  I’m ideally searching for members of the community that have sponsorship/fundraising, sales, or strong connections in the corporate/foundation/community arenas to aid in this effort; however, even those with a passion to help are more than welcome to join!

The new Sponsorship Team will provide leadership in the following areas:

  • Building an outreach strategy that encourages growth in sponsorships
  • Setting sponsorship revenue targets
  • Providing regular reports to the Capital Committee Chair that can provide transparency and accountability to the OSM Board and the community
  • But most importantly... to get those deals in the bag!

I am looking to the community for volunteers, help, assist and offer suggestions to make this work and increase our Sponsorship effort. My initial thoughts are to have a Sponsorship Team & Sponsorship Team Leader (on the Capital Committee), who will assist me in organising & managing the Sponsorship Team.  The more diversity, especially in terms of cultural and international background, the better!

Have a suggestion or an idea?

Please get in touch with me at philip.locke(at)opensourcematters.org

Watch this space... more coming soon.