Who said becoming a Registered JUG was easy? WE DID!
New, Easier Application Process for Joomla User Groups
The JUG team is proud to present a new and improved system for JUG applications. After a short interim period using a temporary relief system, the entire process was restructured from the ground up to provide a more streamlined approach to all areas of the process.
The requirements and guidelines have been changed as well to allow more Registered JUGs worldwide. If you'd like to register a JUG, please visit the FAQ on how to get started.
Many JUG applications that were previously rejected or held up, have now been approved and listed in the new directory. Please check your location to ensure your JUG is included. If not, please reapply through our new application process.
New Directory and Map For All Joomla User Groups
We've created directory and map for all Joomla User Groups. By using Moset's Tree and Moxie Maps the directory listings are now plotted on a worldwide map which allows for easy and powerful searches. Click here to see the new map and directory.
Each approved JUG has a login and is now able to login to their listing and make changes. Submitted changes will go into the queue and will be approved in a timely manner. We ask that all JUG Owners please login and update your details as soon as possible.
New Team Members
The JUG team has also grown and now includes Wlima Howell, Cristina Solana, Himanshu Nagpal, Roger Perren as well as Sandra Warren and Javier Gomez.
Your Feedback is Welcome
Thank you for your patience through this process! We invite you to submit feedback to this new process and system at the People.Joomla.Org group and if you need assistance please email us at