If you've been visiting the Joomla Extensions Directory for a while, you may have noticed that the eight Editors' Picks haven't been updated often. The only recent addition has been Joomla Tools Suite by Russ Winter.

Today we're happy to say that a ninth extension has been added: sh404SEF by Yannick Gaultier.

What does sh404SEF do?

  1. Rewrites Joomla's URLs so that site administrators have complete control. This is important for search engines but also for people moving to Joomla who don't want to break their old URLs.
  2. Solves several accessibility problems to help users with disabilties read a Joomla site.
  3. Provides a valid 404 page for people who access your site using a broken URL.
  4. Adds a security layer to prevent certain hacking attempts.
  5. Can control a site's metadata, allowing people to add page titles, language tags, indexing instructions and more.

Why was sh404SEF chosen?

  1. It meets all the basic criteria we look for when recommending extensions to JED users ... its free to download, well-supported, works on both 1.0 and 1.5 and almost all types of server, including IIS.
  2. Since its launch in May 2007, the developer has consistently worked to improve the code and add new features.
  3. Its compatible with a very wide range of other extensions, including VirtueMart, Joomfish, Fireboard, Community Builder, mosetsTree, HotProperty, Sobi2, Docman, myBlog, Remository and more.