As many of you know OSM publishes its 990 income tax filings on the OSM website for community access. It was only in 2008 that the information required in the 990 became detailed revealing much more about a non-profit organization’s (NPO) financial operations.
You Now See the Same Reports as the Joomla Leadership
In order to make information about the finances in OSM available to the community in a more timely fashion then just once per year, we are posting the same reports that are generated monthly for review by the OSM board and the Leadership Team to the OSM website. Except for the 2010 budget which is a static forecast of revenues and expenditures, the reports will be updated each month.
The following unaudited reports will be available at this location.
Understanding OSM's Financial Reports
These are some references that might help you to understand the reports:
- 2010 budget:
Comparing previous budgets to actual year-to-date:
- Balance Sheet:
- P&L Statement: