With the new development strategy there has been a lot of renaming and reorganizing of development resources for the different groups working on development and for people who want to contribute bug reports, patches, features and documentation.  In this post I’m going to point you to some of the new and renamed places for things.


First, the code repositories. These are the places where the code that is being developed is stored. Contributors work in the repositories writing and testing new code and fixing bugs. With  the launch of the new development strategy there are now three repositories.

Under the new plan there are no longer release branches, but instead a single trunk will be maintained across all version numbers. Sometimes people ask where the 1.7 trunk is or where the 1.6 trunk is, but there is no difference between them, there is just “the trunk.” You can find the trunk at http://joomlacode.org/svn/joomla/development/trunk/. For username use anonymous and leave the password blank (or you can login with your joomlacode credentials, but there is no advantage to doing this unless you are committing code to a branch).

The Joomla! 1.5 repository remains where it has always been, on Joomlacode.org and in its own release branch. You can do check out the 1.5 branch from http://joomlacode.org/svn/joomla/development/releases/1.5/.  In the future there will not be separate release branches except in very special cases such as the release of 1.6.4 which happened after the alpha for 1.7 was released.  That branch will be very short lived since it will no longer be relevant once 1.7 reaches the general availability stage sometime in July.

Also as part of the new strategy the repository for the Joomla! Platform (formerly known as the framework) has moved to https://github.com/joomla/joomla-platform. On github you have many choices for accessing the code. For example, you can go to the source tab and download a zip, you can use git software to take a read only pull of the code with its full history, or you can fork the platform if you want to help with code. The instructions on github are very detailed and helpful.

The move to github has been exciting, with by my count code from at least 13 different people having been committed even without much attention since the main goal of the platform work at this time has been to prepare for the initial release by cleanly separating from the CMS. There are also 37 forks, and it’s fun to watch what other people are working on. There are also fun graphs--apparently our most popular commit time is 12am on Saturdays.

One question that has been discussed recently on the developer mailing lists is whether the CMS itself will move to github. Actually the whole discussion goes back at least a year, and it looks like the idea of moving may have legs but it’s not something that will be rushed until processes for issue management and the functioning of the JBS are in place.


With all these changes, there has been some confusion about where to report bugs … which we like to call issues :).  Similar to the changes to the repository, for 1.6 forward there is just one issue tracker which is at http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/joomla/tracker/?action=TrackerItemBrowse&tracker_id=8103. This is not the 1.6 issue tracker or the 1.7 or 1.8 issue tracker, it is just THE issue tracker.  Christophe told me that more than 3400 issues have been solved in the current tracker. This is about the same as the whole 1.5 tracker. Because of the single trunk, issues that are not solved just continue forward into the next release and there is no possibility of something getting fixed in a release branch but not in the trunk itself.

Issues in the platform are currently being tracked by using the Joomla! Libraries category in the main issue tracker. If you have a solution for a platform issue, you can submit a patch or create a fork on github and submit a link to your branch.

The Joomla! 1.5 tracker remains at http://joomlacode.org/svn/joomla/development/releases/1.5/.


Just as there is only one issue tracker, there is just one feature tracker for the CMS and it is found at http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/joomla/tracker/?action=TrackerItemBrowse&tracker_id=8549. This is the place to put new features that you are interested in contributing to some future version Joomla! especially the CMS. You can also put new features for the Platform there, but you may want instead to make a fork at github and ask for a pull request when you are ready.


Documentation is still at https://docs.joomla.org thank goodness, but if you visit the docs site you will see that there are already new icons identifying CMS 1.7 and Platform 11.1 items. It will be important to take advantage of these labels as things start to get complicated in the future, since the Platform will eventually be on a separate, more frequent release schedule from the CMS. If you want to help make the platform release the huge success it should be, consider adding your comments and examples to the Platform Reference Project and contribute to the 1.6+ Help Screens Project.

It’s pretty exciting (and sometimes confusing) to see all this reorganization and moving around. Expect to see more adjustments in the coming months as the Production Working Group continues to experiment and find what works with the new strategy.