Its often said there is a lack of women contributing and participating at higher level in open source projects.
Fortunately we do see a tendency of this changing to the better within the joomla! project

Sure, the male:female contributor ratio still weighs towards the male side, but the fact that we more and more often see women taking on the leading roles within ours teams is a good indicator of a more balanced ratio in the future.

So to get to the real topic of this post, we are pleased to add two new members to the Translation Coordination Team.
Stefania from the Italian Translation Team
Marijke from the Dutch Translation Team.

These two hardworking women accepted to join in and help managing all the tasks of the Translation Coordination related to connecting and communicating with the Translation Teams and tasks within the Production and Community WGs.

At the same time we would like acknowledge the great effort done by Rune, Pete and Michael, who all are now taking a step back and focussing at other local translation tasks. Thanks guys.

To wrap up this women focussed post, we can add that there has been a male/female change of local coordinator of the Serbian Translation Team. Marko done a long and great effort in creating a solid platform for the local Serbian Community, and can with good conscience hand over the responsibility of being Serbian Translation Coordinator to Svetlana.

Welcome to the three of you!