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Joomla! User Group Valencia

Location information

Carrer de Joan Verdeguer 16
46000 Valencia
Javier Ballester & Cesar Labadia
Meetings held
Meeting Language
Visit our Website

We are a group of professionals and followers of Joomla, web developers and coders.
Most of us are freelance and we have known in recent joomla day in Spain and we decided to create a user group Joomla! to share knowledge, experiences and projects and spreading the Joomla content manager in Valenci.

Native Language:

S?mos un grupo de profesionales y seguidores de Joomla!. Dise?adores web y programadores que nos hemos conocido en varios Joomla! Day en Espa?a y hemos decidido crear un grupo de usuarios Joomla! para compartir conocimientos, experiencias y proyectos, as? como difundir el gestor de contenidos Joomla en Valencia. We are a group of 6-8 people and since December 2013 we are meeting us. We usually get together in or, spaces with public areas that owners leave us to organize meetings

Upcoming events