Joomla! User Group Extensions Developers
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More than ever, third-party developers need to provide good quality extensions to the Joomla community. As Joomla evolves, those extensions need to evolve as well.
The Extensions Developer JUG is a place for developers to:
1. share best coding practices when it comes to the Joomla ecosystem,
2. get help from others,
3. understand new features and how third-party extensions can tie to them,
4. learn from the lead team of developers,
5. improve and migrate obsolete code,
6. encourage participation in bug fixes, improvements and documentation of Joomla,
7. share the passion of Joomla,8. respect accessibility.
Good code quality third-party extensions are essential to ensure the Joomla platform remains secure, accessible and performant.
By knowing each other better, we are more inclined to help each other and the lead team members. It encourages discussions, egos aside.