Joomla GSoC 18 with Geetanshu Mathur

Well, it was really a tough working period but thanks to my mentors (Niels and Kasun) who have supported me and made this a learning and enjoyable phase.

About Project

The project is about the Adaptive/Responsive Images. In the responsive environment, when a large image is viewed on the small display, some part of the image may be got hidden and this may deprive the reader to get the main message associated with the image. So, in this project, we are aiming to make a plugin(s) to handle this problem in an efficient manner.


  1. Working user interface for this feature is created which provides a focus selector, from where the important part can be selected.
  2. Computation of focus points from the selections made by the user has been done.
  3. A proper way of storing and retrieving the focus points is being created. Currently, this feature is using filesystem for storing the focus point. But it is flexible enough to be integrated with the database in future.
  4. Two plugins were created one for the backend and another for the frontend.

What Next

Now, as we are over with the base setup of the plugin and got the basic feature running for the extension. We are moving ahead towards system caching and cropping of the image for solving the performance issue with the website. As the large image is of the greater dimensions, which might be not needed in the smaller device, we would be cropping the image based on the admin selection of focus area and the device display dimensions.