Upcoming JUG Meetings
Joomla Australia User Group
Tue Jan 14 2025 7:00 UTCMonthly on the 2nd Tuesday until December 9, 2025Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Melbourne ,Tue Jan 14 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group Sydney ,Tue Jan 14 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group BrisbaneTue Jan 14 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...The Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below for more information on our coming events.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au/virtualjug for more information on Joomla Australia's Virtual User Group sessions, and to watch previous videos from sessions.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au for more information on the Australian Joomla! user community.
- Subscribe to the Joomla Australia Youtube Channel to watch previous User Group Sessions. Joomla Australia ran continuously through the pandemic, and we have lots of session videos online.
Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!
Thu Jan 16 2025 15:00 UTCMonthly on the 3rd Thursday until October 16, 2026Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Website Design Company OwnersThu Jan 16 2025 15:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This
...Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This virtual JUG is for those who own a website design business or build websites on the Joomla platform. We join together to share ideas and help each other out. Owning a business has many challenges - joining a community of like-minded people to explore solutions to these challenges is a great way to keep you on a successful path. Our hope is to not only learn more about designing websites in Joomla but also share knowledge about being a business owner as well. This is a private Facebook Group. You are welcome to register and join us.
JUG Padova Meeting
Wed Feb 5 2025 17:30 UTCJoomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group PadovaWed Feb 5 2025 17:30 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]JUG Padova MeetingWednesday 05 Febbraio

6:30 p.m.
Venue: c/o UIL, Via Luigi Anelli 5 - 35219 Padua (PD)
Let's discoverWednesday 05 Febbraio

6:30 p.m.
Venue: c/o UIL, Via Luigi Anelli 5 - 35219 Padua (PD)
Let's discover together the new features introduced by the new Joomla!® version 5.
Training courses and themed meetings on topics such as extensions, templates, builders, version upgrades.
Sharing of experiences and case histories.
Mercoledì 05 Febbraio
Ore 18:30
Sede: c/o UIL, Via Luigi Anelli 5 - 35219 Padova (PD)
Scopriamo insieme le novità introdotte dalla nuova versione 5 di Joomla!®.
Corsi di formazione e incontri a tema su argomenti come estensioni, template, builder, upgrade di versione.
Condivisione di esperienze e case history. -
Joomla Australia User Group
Tue Feb 11 2025 7:00 UTCMonthly on the 2nd Tuesday until December 9, 2025Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Melbourne ,Tue Feb 11 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group Sydney ,Tue Feb 11 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group BrisbaneTue Feb 11 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...The Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below for more information on our coming events.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au/virtualjug for more information on Joomla Australia's Virtual User Group sessions, and to watch previous videos from sessions.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au for more information on the Australian Joomla! user community.
- Subscribe to the Joomla Australia Youtube Channel to watch previous User Group Sessions. Joomla Australia ran continuously through the pandemic, and we have lots of session videos online.
Code along Joomla JUG
Sun Feb 16 2025 15:00 UTCMonthly on the 3rd Sunday until December 20, 2026Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Code Along JoomlaSun Feb 16 2025 15:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Code along Joomla JUGThis will be a live streamed event where we will code along to accomplish a preset task.
This will not
...This will be a live streamed event where we will code along to accomplish a preset task.
This will not be a tutorial and will be led by an organiser, but the person may not be there to teach you. An element of self learning will be required, and some helpful links may guide you.
My intention is NOT to tell you the answers but to force you to think for yourself so you practice problem solving on your journey.
Join our Facebook community https://www.facebook.com/groups/codealongjoomla
Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!
Thu Feb 20 2025 15:00 UTCMonthly on the 3rd Thursday until October 16, 2026Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Website Design Company OwnersThu Feb 20 2025 15:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This
...Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This virtual JUG is for those who own a website design business or build websites on the Joomla platform. We join together to share ideas and help each other out. Owning a business has many challenges - joining a community of like-minded people to explore solutions to these challenges is a great way to keep you on a successful path. Our hope is to not only learn more about designing websites in Joomla but also share knowledge about being a business owner as well. This is a private Facebook Group. You are welcome to register and join us.
Joomla Australia User Group
Tue Mar 11 2025 7:00 UTCMonthly on the 2nd Tuesday until December 9, 2025Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Melbourne ,Tue Mar 11 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group Sydney ,Tue Mar 11 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group BrisbaneTue Mar 11 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...The Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below for more information on our coming events.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au/virtualjug for more information on Joomla Australia's Virtual User Group sessions, and to watch previous videos from sessions.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au for more information on the Australian Joomla! user community.
- Subscribe to the Joomla Australia Youtube Channel to watch previous User Group Sessions. Joomla Australia ran continuously through the pandemic, and we have lots of session videos online.
Code along Joomla JUG
Sun Mar 16 2025 15:00 UTCMonthly on the 3rd Sunday until December 20, 2026Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Code Along JoomlaSun Mar 16 2025 15:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Code along Joomla JUGThis will be a live streamed event where we will code along to accomplish a preset task.
This will not
...This will be a live streamed event where we will code along to accomplish a preset task.
This will not be a tutorial and will be led by an organiser, but the person may not be there to teach you. An element of self learning will be required, and some helpful links may guide you.
My intention is NOT to tell you the answers but to force you to think for yourself so you practice problem solving on your journey.
Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!
Thu Mar 20 2025 15:00 UTCMonthly on the 3rd Thursday until October 16, 2026Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Website Design Company OwnersThu Mar 20 2025 15:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This
...Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This virtual JUG is for those who own a website design business or build websites on the Joomla platform. We join together to share ideas and help each other out. Owning a business has many challenges - joining a community of like-minded people to explore solutions to these challenges is a great way to keep you on a successful path. Our hope is to not only learn more about designing websites in Joomla but also share knowledge about being a business owner as well. This is a private Facebook Group. You are welcome to register and join us.
Joomla Australia User Group
Tue Apr 8 2025 7:00 UTCMonthly on the 2nd Tuesday until December 9, 2025Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Melbourne ,Tue Apr 8 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group Sydney ,Tue Apr 8 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group BrisbaneTue Apr 8 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...The Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below for more information on our coming events.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au/virtualjug for more information on Joomla Australia's Virtual User Group sessions, and to watch previous videos from sessions.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au for more information on the Australian Joomla! user community.
- Subscribe to the Joomla Australia Youtube Channel to watch previous User Group Sessions. Joomla Australia ran continuously through the pandemic, and we have lots of session videos online.
Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!
Thu Apr 17 2025 15:00 UTCMonthly on the 3rd Thursday until October 16, 2026Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Website Design Company OwnersThu Apr 17 2025 15:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This
...Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This virtual JUG is for those who own a website design business or build websites on the Joomla platform. We join together to share ideas and help each other out. Owning a business has many challenges - joining a community of like-minded people to explore solutions to these challenges is a great way to keep you on a successful path. Our hope is to not only learn more about designing websites in Joomla but also share knowledge about being a business owner as well. This is a private Facebook Group. You are welcome to register and join us.
Code along Joomla JUG
Sun Apr 20 2025 14:00 UTCMonthly on the 3rd Sunday until December 20, 2026Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Code Along JoomlaSun Apr 20 2025 14:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Code along Joomla JUGThis will be a live streamed event where we will code along to accomplish a preset task.
This will not
...This will be a live streamed event where we will code along to accomplish a preset task.
This will not be a tutorial and will be led by an organiser, but the person may not be there to teach you. An element of self learning will be required, and some helpful links may guide you.
My intention is NOT to tell you the answers but to force you to think for yourself so you practice problem solving on your journey.
Joomla Australia User Group
Tue May 13 2025 7:00 UTCMonthly on the 2nd Tuesday until December 9, 2025Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Melbourne ,Tue May 13 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group Sydney ,Tue May 13 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group BrisbaneTue May 13 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...The Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below for more information on our coming events.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au/virtualjug for more information on Joomla Australia's Virtual User Group sessions, and to watch previous videos from sessions.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au for more information on the Australian Joomla! user community.
- Subscribe to the Joomla Australia Youtube Channel to watch previous User Group Sessions. Joomla Australia ran continuously through the pandemic, and we have lots of session videos online.
Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!
Thu May 15 2025 15:00 UTCMonthly on the 3rd Thursday until October 16, 2026Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Website Design Company OwnersThu May 15 2025 15:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This
...Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This virtual JUG is for those who own a website design business or build websites on the Joomla platform. We join together to share ideas and help each other out. Owning a business has many challenges - joining a community of like-minded people to explore solutions to these challenges is a great way to keep you on a successful path. Our hope is to not only learn more about designing websites in Joomla but also share knowledge about being a business owner as well. This is a private Facebook Group. You are welcome to register and join us.
Code along Joomla JUG
Sun May 18 2025 14:00 UTCMonthly on the 3rd Sunday until December 20, 2026Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Code Along JoomlaSun May 18 2025 14:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Code along Joomla JUGThis will be a live streamed event where we will code along to accomplish a preset task.
This will not
...This will be a live streamed event where we will code along to accomplish a preset task.
This will not be a tutorial and will be led by an organiser, but the person may not be there to teach you. An element of self learning will be required, and some helpful links may guide you.
My intention is NOT to tell you the answers but to force you to think for yourself so you practice problem solving on your journey.
Joomla Australia User Group
Tue Jun 10 2025 7:00 UTCMonthly on the 2nd Tuesday until December 9, 2025Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Melbourne ,Tue Jun 10 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group Sydney ,Tue Jun 10 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group BrisbaneTue Jun 10 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...The Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below for more information on our coming events.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au/virtualjug for more information on Joomla Australia's Virtual User Group sessions, and to watch previous videos from sessions.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au for more information on the Australian Joomla! user community.
- Subscribe to the Joomla Australia Youtube Channel to watch previous User Group Sessions. Joomla Australia ran continuously through the pandemic, and we have lots of session videos online.
Code along Joomla JUG
Sun Jun 15 2025 14:00 UTCMonthly on the 3rd Sunday until December 20, 2026Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Code Along JoomlaSun Jun 15 2025 14:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Code along Joomla JUGThis will be a live streamed event where we will code along to accomplish a preset task.
This will not
...This will be a live streamed event where we will code along to accomplish a preset task.
This will not be a tutorial and will be led by an organiser, but the person may not be there to teach you. An element of self learning will be required, and some helpful links may guide you.
My intention is NOT to tell you the answers but to force you to think for yourself so you practice problem solving on your journey.
Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!
Thu Jun 19 2025 15:00 UTCMonthly on the 3rd Thursday until October 16, 2026Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Website Design Company OwnersThu Jun 19 2025 15:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Website Design Company Owners - using Joomla!Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This
...Monthly Virtual JUG meeting. We usually have a member spotlight and then a feature presentation. This virtual JUG is for those who own a website design business or build websites on the Joomla platform. We join together to share ideas and help each other out. Owning a business has many challenges - joining a community of like-minded people to explore solutions to these challenges is a great way to keep you on a successful path. Our hope is to not only learn more about designing websites in Joomla but also share knowledge about being a business owner as well. This is a private Facebook Group. You are welcome to register and join us.
Joomla Australia User Group
Tue Jul 8 2025 7:00 UTCMonthly on the 2nd Tuesday until December 9, 2025Joomla Usergroup MeetingsJoomla! User Group Melbourne ,Tue Jul 8 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group Sydney ,Tue Jul 8 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...Joomla! User Group BrisbaneTue Jul 8 2025 7:00 UTC[Joomla Usergroup Meetings]Joomla Australia User GroupThe Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below
...The Australian Joomla User Group meets monthly on the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Check the websites below for more information on our coming events.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au/virtualjug for more information on Joomla Australia's Virtual User Group sessions, and to watch previous videos from sessions.
- Visit www.joomla.org.au for more information on the Australian Joomla! user community.
- Subscribe to the Joomla Australia Youtube Channel to watch previous User Group Sessions. Joomla Australia ran continuously through the pandemic, and we have lots of session videos online.