JUG Milano Centro at Linux day 2023

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Sat Oct 28 2023 7:00 UTC
Joomla! User Group Milano Centro
Organiser's Email
Organiser's Name
Luca Racchetti & Fausto Nenci

Event Description

28th October during  The Next Italian Linux Day Fausto Nenci and Luca Racchetti (Razzo) will have a talk about

"Best practices of good web development, working with CMSs without being cousins"

here the abstract:

"Developing a website with a CMS is undoubtedly the fastest and easiest way to deliver a product, but is the delivered product not only usable, but also performant, secure and scalable? Very often a user-friendly system is used by users with less awareness of the risks and problems of what they are doing. In this talk we will see, what practices are used by professionals who have been working with these tools for many years."

During the all day some of us will be around speaking about Joomla

for more detail check https://linuxdaymilano.org/schedule/
or contact us in our telegram group https://t.me/JoomlaMilanoCentro

Join us

Location information

Joomla! User Group Milano Centro

Santa Marta 18
20123 Milan
Davide Messia & Fausto Nenci
Meetings held
Meeting Language
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Joomla! User Group Milano Centro is a group of Joomlers who contribute to the promotin and training on Joomla!® CMS. Our goal is building a network with all enthusiasts, experts and not, who want to share their experience and enrich themselves and the group.

We do this in different ways:

1. Live - We meet once a month. The meeting is divided into 3 moments:

  • Formation moment - 30 minutes of formation on a theme chosen together.
  • Confrontation/Discussion Time - during which we deepen what we saw during the training or start new topics.
  • Pizza Moment - because you can't live on Joomla!

2. On the web - We have opened a group on Telegram where every day we discuss new topics and together we choose what to talk about at the next live meeting https://t.me/JoomlaMilanoCentro

3. We also have a channel on Telegram where we publish all the latest news https://t.me/jugmilanocentro

Native Language:

Joomla! User Group Milano Centro è un gruppo di Joomlers che contribuiscono alla diffusione e la formazione sul CMS Joomla!®. Il nostro obiettivo è fare rete con tutti gli appassionati esperti e non di Joomla!® che vogliono mettere la loro esperienza a fattor comune ed arricchire se stessi ed il gruppo.

Lo facciamo in diversi modi:

1. Dal vivo – Ci incontriamo una volta al mese. L’incontro e’ diviso in 3 momenti:

  • Momento di formazione – 30 minuti di formazione su un tema scelto insieme.
  • Momento di Confronto/Discussione – durante il quale approfondiamo quanto visto durante la formazione o iniziamo nuovi temi.
  • Momento Pizza – perche’ non si vive di solo Joomla!®

2. Sul web – Abbiamo aperto un gruppo su Telegram dove ogni giorno discutiamo di nuovi temi ed insieme scegliamo di cosa parlare al prossimo incontro dal vivo https://t.me/JoomlaMilanoCentro

3. Inoltre abbiamo un canale su Telegram dove pubblichiamo tutte le ultime news https://t.me/jugmilanocentro