With the 1.6 development cycle coming to an end the Production Leadership Team has decided it is time to also start formalizing our changes to how we want to build Joomla into the future. We've been discussing the changes presented in this draft document with users and developers at Joomla events for the last year or more. Given the upcoming PLT summit surrounding the JoomlaDay in San Jose, CA we felt it would be best to present our draft document for review and comment. During the summit one of the things we will be discussing is the contents of this document and how we move forward with the changes we want to make in how Joomla is produced.
Download Joomla! Development Strategy 2.0: Draft »
We would greatly appreciate it if you can take a few minutes, read over the document and provide feedback at: http://goo.gl/BBrK. The feedback that you give will help us refine any sections that might need clarification, or resolve any issues that may have been overlooked.
Note: We will not be monitoring the comments thread for feedback on the document so please, if you have feedback, use the form at http://goo.gl/BBrK.