As part of the normal budgeting process, the Production Leadership Team has come up with four goals for 2012. Those goals concern releases of the Joomla Platform and the Joomla CMS, continuing maintenance updates, and outreach and promotion to a technical audience.

Goal #1: Complete four iterations of the Joomla Platform project.

We will release new versions of the Joomla Platform in 2012. We will use PLT summits to discuss issues regarding the Joomla Platform and to examine and discuss ideas from the Joomla Ideas Pool, the Joomla Feature Patch Tracker and other sources. We will use these to announce a vision or theme for succeeding Platform release cycles.

To accomplish this, we need volunteer developers, documenters, and translators. We will use Pizza, Bugs and Fun (PBF) events, code and documentation sprints and other such events.

Goal #2: Complete two full iterations of the Joomla CMS project.

We will release new versions of the Joomla CMS according to this schedule:

  • CMS Release 2.5 on or about January 10, 2012
  • CMS Release 3.0 on or about July 10, 2012
  • CMS Release 3.1 on or about January 10, 2013

We will use PLT summits prior to each release to discuss outstanding issues regarding the release. We will examine and discuss ideas from the Joomla Ideas Pool, the Joomla Feature Patch Tracker and other sources. We will use these to announce a vision or theme for the next CMS release cycle.

To accomplish this, we need volunteer developers, documenters, and translators. We will use Pizza, Bugs and Fun (PBF) events, code and documentation sprints and other such events.

Goal #3: Release maintenance updates to the current LTS and STS releases as required.

While the fun part is new features and releases, a major part of our responsibility is to the existing releases. Normal maintenance releases of an existing long term support release will be made until 3 months after the general availability of the next long term support release. Ongoing support of the short term releases continues until a month after a superseding release. The number, timing, and nature of the maintenance releases depends on the circumstances.

The Joomla Bug Squad and the Joomla Security Strike Team are the main volunteers spearheading this effort.

Goal #4: Outreach and promotion of Joomla to a technical audience.

The final goal is to do outreach and promotion of Joomla to technical audiences, both those within Joomla and outside of Joomla. We’ll do this by going to technical conferences and events, particularly for the Joomla Platform. We’ll also outreach to new developers under a Joomla Student Outreach Program (JSOP).

Senior PLT members will be attending and talking at non-Joomla-specific industry events. For the JSOP, if we are unable to find a volunteer, we may need paid management time to administer it.