The Board of directors is pleased to present the approved budget for Open Source Matters / The Joomla Project for the 2017/18 year. The budget runs from the 1st of July 2017 to the 30th June 2018.
The budgeting process began upon the election of the full board of directors on March 23, 2017. Each Department Coordinator was tasked with submitting a department budget on behalf of their teams. In addition the Vice President submitted on behalf of the Board of Directors.
The board then met during JAB and spent nearly 11 hours in a single session working through the budget to reduce expenses submitted in order to balance the budget. This was a long and difficult process, but at the end all departments felt confident that, even given the considerable cuts needed, they had what they needed to perform in the next year.
Below you will find summaries from each Department and the Board on their respective budget lines alongside links to the line items in full.
The full budget can be viewed by clicking here.
The Production department is responsible for all software under the Joomla brand and oversees many channels critical to the software's success, including documentation and translations. In addition to producing the software, we also require extensive resources for distributing that software and performing quality assurance tests during the development cycle.
For the upcoming budget year, our primary focuses are on the development of Joomla! 4, improving the continuous integration systems used for testing our software as well as releasing updates on many of our websites, and support for the students and mentors participating in the Google Summer of Code program.
To see the line items for this department, click here
For queries regarding this department’s budget please contact Michael Babker
Legal & Finance:
Legal & Finance is responsible for the majority of the income generated by the project.
We have been working on various initiatives like banner ads, micro sponsorships and custom sponsorship packages which has allowed us to conservatively increase our revenue estimates for the next fiscal year.
Additionally we have decided to take a more prudent approach to defending our trademark (where we will ask first and lawyer later) which has allowed us to reduce the expected expenses for the department in this respect.
To see the line items for this department, click here
For queries regarding this department’s budget please contact Søren Beck Jensen
The Marketing & Communication department handles all matters related to marketing, PR, and communications needed to share information both internally and externally for the organization.
This year budget is required for printing materials, hiring a PR agency, advertising and organising sprints to accomplish improvements in the Marketing Team.
To see the line items for this department, click here
For queries regarding this department’s budget please contact Radek Suski
The Events Department is responsible for organising JWC (previously under Open Source Matters) as well as supporting Joomla Days and Joomla User Groups.
The budget lines this year include, financial support for Joomla Days, major representation at CMS Africa in March 2018 (a meeting to kick this off was held the day after JandBeyond), Support for JUG's including swag and a "pass the parcel" campaign and team attendance at JAB, JWC, and other events.
To see the line items for this department, click here
For queries regarding this department’s budget please contact Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall
The Operations Department is responsible for various teams that support the organization’s infrastructure, volunteers, and community.
This year we've reserved some budget for infrastructure (hosting, site monitoring & anti spam software), swag for promotion of some of the teams, sprints to accomplish improvements on the subsites handled by the teams of the Operations Department, and team representation at JAB & JWC.
To see the line items for this department, click here
For queries regarding this department’s budget please contact Peter Martin
In Joomla the Programs Department includes the Joomla Certification Program (JCP), the Joomla Event Travelling program (JET) and the Volunteer Engagement team (VET). The Joomla Certification team uses their own revenue to further develop the exam system and advertise for the certification. JET brings active project volunteers to JandBeyond and JWC. The VET budget will be used for printing and shipping swag & co to active volunteers as recognition of their efforts.
To see the line items for this department, click here
For queries regarding this department’s budget please contact Yves Hoppe
Local Communities:
A token budget of $1000 was assigned to this yet to be formed department. This department will not be formed before the March election cycle in 2018.
To see the line item for this department, click here
Board of Directors:
This budget mostly covers non-discretionary expenses that are required for our project to run such as accounting, tax preparation and other official costs and fees. Additionally it covers the cost of travel of Board members when fulfilling official administration duties.
To see the line items for this department, click here
For queries regarding this department’s budget please contact Aleksander Kuzcek