The Joomla Production Leadership Team (PLT) is pleased to announce the addition of two new members: Michael Babker and Nick Savov.

Michael has been developing using Joomla! since 2010, coming to the Bug Squad shortly after the first 1.6 Beta. In the time since he has gone from being a user of the product with no programming experience to writing code for the CMS and Platform, either in the form of extensions or core contributions. Developing code is a hobby for him. His day job sees him work in the IT field primarily in help desk and network management roles, skills he brings back to his Joomla contributions while interacting on the tracker or mailing lists.

Always seeking a challenge and learning, Michael holds an Associate of Arts in Information Technology with a concentration in Web Design as well as other technical certifications spread throughout the IT field. When not paying the bills or writing code, Michael can be found enjoying the scenery wherever he's at in the world, seeking a new challenge, and all in all enjoying life.

Nick Savov has been involved with Joomla for about two and a half years and web related work for only three years. He's a quick learner and enjoys learning new things by applying himself until a goal is accomplished. During his time with Joomla, he's been involved in a lot of areas of the project including documentation, Joomla Bug Squad, marketing, communication, and helping out on the developer mailing lists and the forum.

One of his favorite parts about Joomla is meeting other people in the community, getting to know them better, and working with them to accomplish common goals. He especially loves helping others to learn something new, to solve problems, and to contribute to the Joomla core.

Nick's employed at OSTraining, as the Director of Sites, where he's helped answer thousands of Joomla-related questions. As part of the job, he also gets to work with Joomla and Joomla-related products throughout the day. Having those opportunities and his colleagues as co-workers has made the position a dream job for him.

In addition to Michael and Nick, the PLT is looking to add more members. Look for an announcement calling for nominations from the community in the next few days.