The Joomla! Production Leadership Team (PLT) is pleased to announce the addition of three new members: Andrew Eddie, Javier Gomez and Tom Hutchison.
The PLT is responsible for leading and coordinating the development of the Joomla! CMS and the Joomla! Platform. This includes releasing new versions, fixing bugs, adding new features and creating documentation.
In December 2012, the PLT announced that they were seeking nominations from the community for several new members to join the team. Many excellent candidates were nominated and the PLT would like to thank all those who participated in the nomination process. Our new members will strengthen the team in such areas as software architecture, internationalisation and documentation.
Andrew Eddie hardly needs any introduction as he was one of the co-founders of Joomla! and has held almost all positions it has been possible to hold in the project at one time or another, including the PLT. He has also been one of the primary software engineers for the Joomla! project since its inception and has contributed in a wide range of areas within the project. He currently serves as one of the Platform Maintainers of Joomla!, which ensure quality control, maintenance and security of the Joomla! Platform.
Andrew brings his huge wealth of experience to the PLT, particularly in the area of software architecture and design. Andrew is Principal Software Engineer at eBay and is based in Australia.
Javier Gomez lives in Barcelona (Spain) and works as IT consultant and freelance programmer. He became active in the community in 2007 by organizing the first national Joomla! meeting in Barcelona and has participated in many other Joomla! events (Ecuador, Chile, Cuba, United States, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Colombia, The Netherlands, Germany). He is passionate about the Joomla! community!
In 2010 Javier became a board member of Open Source Matters (OSM), the not-for-profit international organization that provides legal, financial and organizational support to the Joomla! project. He has been focused on improving the internationalization of Joomla!. He participated, as a student, in the Google Summer of Code Program 2012 and contributed the Language Installer tool to the CMS. Javier joins the Joomla! Production Leadership Team (PLT) in 2013, with the purpose of working towards a better CMS and a better Platform and strengthening the leadership team and the PLT processes.
Tom Hutchison started using Joomla! in early 2009 building a website for his hobby, genetic genealogy. From the start, he loved the fact Joomla! is easy to maintain by multiple administrators with various skill levels and easily extensible. One website led to another, then a few more, followed by a few for others in the hobby. In the summer of 2012, after looking for development information on the Joomla! Docs Wiki, he volunteered to help improve the Docs Wiki as the first “go to” resource for Joomla! users of all levels.
Even though Tom studied Information Technology in college, he’s been his own boss since 1996 designing and building custom furniture and built-in cabinets for clients. He never really stopped working with computers. In his spare time he is the webmaster of 5 Joomla! websites, 2 Mediawiki websites, developing another Joomla! website, and yet another website using Semantic-Mediawiki.
With the addition of Andrew Eddie, Javier Gomez and Tom Hutchison, this brings the total PLT members to nine:
- Andrea Tarr
- Andrew Eddie
- Chris Davenport
- Javier Gomez
- Mark Dexter
- Michael Babker
- Nick Savov
- Ron Severdia
- Tom Hutchison
If you have any questions or would like to congratulate the new members, you can do so at the following forum discussion: