The final part of the 2012 goal setting/budget planning process suggests that each leadership team publish quarterly updates on progress for each of their major goals. Following through on this part of the process is important-it promotess increased openness and transparency, it strengthens accountability and trust between the project's leadership and the community, and it recognizes the volunteer contributors who are the most important resource for our project's continued growth and success.

Here is a summary of progress that was made during the first quarter for Open Source Matters' (OSM) four major 2012 goals, along with the names of key contributors for each of the items. Sincerest thanks go out to everyone who contributed to the progress that was made on these goals during the first quarter!

Steady progress on these goals has continued during the second quarter, and we hope to publish a blog with those updates by August 1.

Simplify Trademark rules and team processes

  • Reviewing the current Trademark Policy (Ryan Ozimek, Joomla Leadership teams)
  • Began discussions with Trademark team and OSM on ideas for a new simplified TM policy (JM Simonet, Claire Mandville, Michelle Bisson, Javier Gomez, OSM board)
  • The Trademark Team discussed the Brand Manual, and the need to update it.
  • Began planning efforts for how to convert TM workflows to iMaQma Helpdesk system (Jacques Rentzke, Pedro Gonçalves)
  • Initial planning on the structure of a new Trademark section (Jacques Rentzke).

Reduce communication channels and improve public facing communications processes

  • Support growth and development of Communications team
    • A Google+ profile for Joomla was created at the end of 2011 and has been animated/moderated since then by Brad Baker, Steve Burge, Alice Grevet, Jon Neubauer, Sandy Ordonez, Jacques Rentzke and Radek Suski.
    • A communications blog has been proposed and approved by the CLT to be included on It will be maintained by a dedicated team to highlight Project-wide news and is intended for a general audience.
    • Creation of two Skype chats for Spanish-speaking Joomla contributors to get them more involved also led to the creation of a Facebook group. These projects are helping latinos be more involved and proactive with Joomla.

Research and implement plan to increase sponsorship income by $20,000 from 2011

  • Discussion started for potentially changing Joomla sponsorship model/strategy (Jacques Rentzke, Javier Gomez, Paul Orwig, Altansukh Tumenjargal).
  • Capital Committee draft proposal started (Altansukh Tumenjargal).
  • Created Joomla sponsors spreadsheet (Jacques Rentzke, Altansukh Tumenjargal).

Launch first Joomla! World Conference and improve support for Joomla! Days

  • Work progressed toward launching (Mike Carson, TJ Baker, Victor Drover).
  • Began work to create a team for the Joomla World Conference (Robert Deutz).

Work on other OSM led initiatives

While the primary focus for this blog is on progress made during the first quarter on OSM's four major 2012 goals, work has also been underway on a number of other important OSM led initiatives. Here is a list of some of these other initiatives, along with the OSM board members who worked on them during the first quarter:

  • Improve the Joomla shop (Dianne Henning).
  • Improve multi-language support for Joomla software and OSM website (Marijke Stuivenberg, Jacques Rentzke).
  • Improve support for different aspects of internationalization (Marijke Stuivenberg, Javier Gomez).
  • Coordinate improvements to the free demo program (Marijke Stuivenberg).

Please join the OSM 2012 goal updates discussion and share your questions and comments.