During the joint leadership summit meeting in San Jose, California on November 15, 2012, one item that members of Joomla's Production Leadership Team (PLT), Community Leadership Team (CLT) and Open Source Matters (OSM) agreed on was to try and finalize their 2013 team level goals by December 31, 2012.
OSM's draft goals for 2013 are published below. Our next step in the goal setting process is to invite feedback from the community.
Beginning December 21, 2012, OSM board members will begin finalizing these 2013 goals, taking into account feedback from the community.
Improve communications through simplifying and targeting communications channels for external as well as internal audiences, and facilitate volunteer involvement.
- Create a curated blog/portal with project information targeting news/media groups and those not acquainted with Joomla
- Create a curated blog/portal with project information targeting the initiated Joomla community
- Create a beginner's roadmap to help community members find information and become involved
- Develop new sponsors.joomla.org website
- Increase incoming sponsorship money of project by at least 50% ($150,000.00)
- Acquire a Global Event Sponsorship for 2013 sponsor
- Student scholarship program for events admissions, etc.
- Implement a hosting directory of approved partner hosting companies
- Free hosting for life concept - exploring options, structure and RFP development
- Get a documented and structured ad program in place
- Improve processes for translating the Joomla Software and supporting the enhancement of the Joomla CMS multilingual system
- Internationalize and translate the family of Joomla sites including localized documentation and help screens
- Reach out to and build better relationships with local communities
- Turn Joomla Events into a Marketing Tool to attract new users
- Send at least one leadership team member to every JoomlaDay
- Create a "JoomlaDay Tool Box"
- Participate at selected other events that are not related to Joomla
- Start to organize Joomla Regional Conferences
- Plan and launch the 2013 Joomla World Conference (JWC)
The main goal is to get the Joomla Certification Program launched during 2013. The Joomla certification program will go beyond training by providing a documented measurement of knowledge, so that Joomla professionals can compete under equal conditions world wide.
Trademark, Licence and Legal
Trademark Review Process
The main goal remains to complete the Trademark review process so that our Trademark rules are easy to understand and to follow, and also simpler to administer. The following steps need to be completed to achieve this:
- Complete the Trademark review process with legal assistance. (target date to finish this is end of January 2013)
The next items in full or in part depends on this first point to be completed:
- Finish new Trademark & Licence site.
- New Trademark submission forms and new process
- Refresh of logos
- Quick checklist for submissions
- Translating of parts or most of Trademark information. (can commence once above points is done)
- Better process and communication regarding Trademark matters between teams
- Expand the Trademark team and organize into more defined roles for each member
- Train up new Trademark team lead or facilitate transition to professional lead
Licensing and internal Trademark requests
The goal is to have clear guidelines, and clear communication channels, so that any Licensing or Trademark concern or question can be addressed before it becomes an issue, and that we get speedy replies to those type of question. The following steps will help reach this goal:
- Review code contribution process as it relates to licenses and Contributor Agreements
- Provide clear guidelines to all teams on what type of matters would first need to have Trademark or License questions resolved. (HelpDesk may be useful to manage these requests)
Legal, Agreements and Contracts
The goal is to keep within our conservative budget spending for legal matters. Such spending could be increased on short notice in case of an urgent legal matter, and by approval of the board.
Form a standing working group that will produce a set of governance improvement recommendations intended for review and consideration by the project's leadership.