The Joomla! Production Leadership Team (PLT) is pleased to announce the addition of two new members: George Wilson and Roland Dalmulder.
The PLT is responsible for leading and coordinating the development of the Joomla CMS and the Joomla Framework. This includes releasing new versions, fixing bugs, adding new features, translating and creating documentation.
In November 2014, the PLT announced that they were seeking nominations from the community for several new members to join the team, the original article can be seen here: Many are being nominated and the PLT is in the process of incorporating new members to the team apart for the two people being added today.
The addition of George and Roland brings the total of current PLT members to seven:
- Chris Davenport
- Javier Gomez
- Thomas Hunziker
- David Hurley
- Tom Hutchison
- George Wilson
- Roland Dalmulder
Roland Dalmulder
Roland started developing extensions for Joomla on 2006. He is a very active member Joomla project being co-organisor of the Joomla! User Group Rotterdam, the Dutch PBF (Pizza, Bugs & Fun), Dutch Joomla! Day events, and recently taking the coordination of the Joomla Bug Squad Team.
George Wilson
George slowly entered of web design during school in 2010 and shortly after he started developing Joomla extensions. In 2011 George found a really annoying Joomla bug which he submitted a fix for and the rest as they say is history. Since then George has been part of the documentation team, the bug squad team and have helped out in many sub groups focussing on code in the CMS and Framework.
The Production Leadership Team would also like to take the chance to say a very heartfelt thanks to Michael, Roberto, David, Nick and Matt who have chosen to step down from the PLT. Fortunately, they are not going far and will continue contributing to the project:
Michael Babker will continue at the Framework Team, managing servers and participating in the Automated Testing working groups.
Roberto Segura will be the release leader for Joomla 3.5 version.
David Hurley is going to continue serving at the PLT until the release of Joomla 3.4 and afterwards he will focus his time in Managing the Joomla Developer Community and outreaching new members in the broad PHP community.
Nick Savov passes the coordination of the Joomla Bug Squad to Roland Dalmulder, but will continue participating in the Joomla Bug Squad.
Matt Thomas will continue participating as a CMS maintainer.
The five of them have been key members of the Joomla project and their contributions are too numerous to detail. If you would like to congratulate the new members or say thanks to the ones steping down, you can do so in the following forum topic: