We are happy to announce the next steps for the Group 2 Elections for the Board of Directors of Open Source Matters. Three Department Coordinators have been already elected, one Ballot is out and the recommendations for the remaining role are in.
This election impelemented the new methodology for nominations and elections, so this time we have already partial results as well as ballots are running on different times.
Elected Department Coordinators
Production Department Coordinator
Election's Result
Election anonymous ballot closed automatically on February 16, 2020 at 23:59 UTC.
- Marco Dings: 16/31 (51,61% of 31 cast vote forms)
- None of the above: 15/31 (48,39% of 31 cast vote forms).
Participation rates
- 50 people were entitled to vote.
- 31 people have voted (62,00%).
- 2 people were attentive but have not voted (4%).
- 17 people have not voted (34%).
This election has been processed with the New DC/Officer Uncontested. The term of the new office will start on March 24, 2020.
Legal & Finance Department Coordinator
Election's Result
Election anonymous ballot closed automatically on February 16, 2020 at 23:59 UTC.
- Hugh Douglas-Smith: 9/12 (75% of 12 cast vote forms)
- None of the above: 3/12 (25% of 12 cast vote forms).
Participation rates
- 14 people were entitled to vote.
- 12 people have voted (85,71%).
- 0 people were attentive but have not voted (0%).
- 2 people have not voted (14,29%).
This election has been processed with the New DC/Officer Uncontested. The term of the new office will start on March 24, 2020.
Operations Department Coordinator
Election's Result
Election anonymous ballot closed automatically on February 16, 2020 at 23:59 UTC.
- Radek Suski: 16/21 (76,19% of 21 cast vote forms)
- None of the above: 5/21 (23,81% of 21 cast vote forms).
Participation rates
- 35 people were entitled to vote.
- 21 people have voted (60%).
- 2 people were attentive but have not voted (5,71%).
- 12 people have not voted (34,29%).
This election has been processed with the New DC/Officer Uncontested. The term of the new office will start on March 24, 2020.
Recommendations and ongoing elections
Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall
Recommendations for Rowan|closed
"She is doing a great job, and she can do it again for a new time" (Brian Ronnow)
"Rowan has transformed the leadership of Joomla! for years the President appeared to be someone who appeared at conferences but seemed to do little else. Rowan has provided a strategy, has garnered support and most importantly, brought back to the community many who left years ago. The Forum for the Future was an epic and long overdue assembly of volunteers who really care about the future of this great product, organisation and community. It now has the momentum and vision to become something once again. I believe we as a community owe her the courtesy of competing what she has started.
The 501c is an essential tool in our kitbag but needs further work and clarification to get it through regulatory approval, changing leadership at this time risks setting that back and potentially never happening. I therefore urge everyone to think to the future and support Rowan as she sees through the final chapter of her vision for Joomla!" (Hugh Douglas-Smith)
"As a president she is now doing her job better than any one, So I don't have any other option. Also she is having a very good relation with each and everyone in our community. She is 100% dedicated to our Joomla." (Manu Beladevan)
"Rowan has an outstanding involvement with the community and the project, her commitment in her last two mandate have been very productive, she did her best to bring more transparency and a better relation with the community and the leadership, one of her major achievement was the forum of the future who was a real success, she deserves to be reelected for another term!" (Djamel Kherbi)
"I have seen presidents come and go. I have seen “invisible” presidents (really;)), presidents seemingly more interested in their own business gain, presidents doing nothing and last but not least those that do everything and try and take on the weight of the world.
I have known Rowan for about 6 years now, as an employee in my business and as involved in several roles and projects in Joomla. Rowan is a very component Joomla business owner / professional and she is extremely well connected in the community and in the wider industry Joomla and the interwebz. This serves Joomla very well.
Rowan is not necessarily the most patient person and she can be strong headed but she has the greatest of hearts and she is dedicated about getting things done. At times this can cause professional friction, yet I have always seen her apologise when proven wrong.
As the saying goes “no friction no shine” and things are getting things done.
Rowan has done/realised a lot for Joomla, as can be read-up upon in her reports. Here efforts came at times at great personal expense. One could argue she needs to delegate more and hopefully the organisation is moving in a direction that makes that possible, that we have more supportive roles and the sense we need to share the load is embraced wider.
The 501 initiative she is striving to finish is of vital importance to the Joomla organisation, both in terms of professionalising and in getting income.
* Access to tooling by then available partners like Google will help us address our continuing problems with not having role-based permissions to documents and services, increase transparency as well as facilitate the handovers between DC's or officers, to name but a few advantages.
* Last but not least a 501 status also makes Joomla attractive for sponsoring by larger American companies. And thus helping us financially." (Marco Dings)
"Rowan is doing a great job as President. She will bring Joomla in the future and I want to see this future." (Davide Messia)
Brian Mitchell
Recommendations for Brian|closed
"I do believe that Brian Mitchell could be a good leader for Joomla since he will gain the trust of the community. He also will value all volunteers and their feedback and focuses on the freedom to speaking, equality, spread trust between volunteers, let them collaborate for the benefit of the Joomla project and finally be transparent for everyone. All our support for anyone who could be this person." (Ahmad Moussa)
"Hi, Karen Dunne here. I’ve been using Joomla since 2012 to run my website and marketing business, Maven Design Studio. I have been a part many JUGs and Joomla Days, as well as the JWC 2014. It was when I met Brian Mitchell at Joomla Day Chicago in 2017 that I decided to volunteer for the project.
Brian was one of the speakers at JD Chicago, although I can’t recall his topic now. It was his introduction to the talk that engaged me and tapped an emotional connection to Joomla. I was inspired to volunteer with the hope of contributing to the profession. I’ve been volunteering on Joomla Resource Directory team with Brian since then.
His genuine interest in people as well as the platform moved me to get involved. For me, volunteering (for anything) is predicated on whether I would enjoy and learn from those I serve with. Brian has provided consistent vision that is clear and kind. His leadership style honors where I am able to contribute and where I cannot. I’ve seen this in his interactions with others too.
I read Brian’s manifesto. It’s comprehensive and true to what I know of Brian. He’s captured a vision I also share. I appreciate viewing decisions through the lens of what serves the values of our community. I am delighted to recommend him for OSM’s President." (Karen Dunne)
"I have had the pleasure of working with Brian for several years now on the JRD team. He brings people together, rather than driving wedges between them. Brian focuses on how to move forward, rather than complain about the past (or live in it). He listens to his fellow team members with tremendous respect, always looking for how to foster a better community. Yet when needed, he is not afraid to speak hard truths. His manifesto aligns 100% with my years of experience working with him. I believe Brian Mitchell is the best candidate to lead Joomla forward." (Deb Cinkus)
Election’s timeline and methodology
This election falls under the “Contested DC/Officer” scenario in which there are the current Officer and another candidate who would be new in such a role.
- February 23, 2020 at 23.59 UTC - Ballots close.
- February 24, 2020 - Results announced. 4 week handover period begins.
- March 24, 2020 - First day of New Term.
Communication Channels
Election channels are available in Glip for each role. These channels will allow department/community members to ask candidates questions regarding their manifestos in order to help them decide who to vote for.
The following Public Channels are already open for discussions and questions:
- OSM-G2-2020-President-Channel
- OSM-G2-2020-Secretary-Channel
- OSM-G2-2020-Production-Channel
- OSM-G2-2020-Operations-Channel
- OSM-G2-2020-LegalFinance-Channel
Channels will be closed when the election cycle will be completed (February 24, 2020).
Next Steps:
- Voting Ballots for the President election have been opened on February 16, 2020 and will be closed automatically on Sunday February 23, 2020 at 23:59 UTC.
- OSM Bylaws: https://www.opensourcematters.org/images/documents/25-Jul-19-OSM-ByLaws.pdf
- Change to the Nomination and Election Process: https://community.joomla.org/blogs/leadership/nomination-and-election-process.html
- Change to the Bylaws/Election System: https://community.joomla.org/blogs/leadership/changes-to-the-bylaws-of-osm-election-system.html
- Joomla! Election Cycle: https://www.opensourcematters.org/organisation/directors/election-cycle.html (previous method)
Thank you!