We are happy to announce that the elections for the Operations Department Coordinator have been finalised.

Note: This is election follows the new methodology that provides different timelines based on number and type of candidates.

Operations DC

Election Results

Election anonymous ballot closed automatically on March 02, 2024.

  • Carlos Camara: 14/16 (87,5% of 16 cast vote forms)
  • Abstain: 1/16 (6,25% of 16 cast vote forms)
  • None of the above: 1/16 (6,25% of 16 cast vote forms)
Participation rates
  • 22 people were entitled to vote.
  • 16 people have voted (72,73%).
  • 1 people were attentive but have not voted (4,55%).
  • 5 people have not voted (22,73%).

View the ballots


Thank you!