We are happy to announce the final results for the Group 1 Elections of Officers and Department Coordinators.
Note: This is election follows the new methodology that provides different timelines based on number and type of candidates.
Vice President
Election Results
Election anonymous ballot closed automatically on August 23, 2023.
- Philip Walton: 47/49 (95,92% of 49 cast vote forms)
- Abstain: 0/49 (0% of 49 cast vote forms)
- None of the above: 2/49 (4,08% of 49 cast vote forms)
Participation rates
- 81 people were entitled to vote.
- 49 people have voted (60,49%).
- 3 people were attentive but have not voted (3,7%).
- 29 people have not voted (35,8%).
Election Results
Election anonymous ballot closed automatically on August 23, 2023.
- Nadja Lamisch: 45/50 (90% of 50 cast vote forms)
- Abstain: 4/50 (8% of 50 cast vote forms)
- None of the above: 1/50 (2% of 50 cast vote forms)
Participation rates
- 81 people were entitled to vote.
- 50 people have voted (61,73%).
- 2 people were attentive but have not voted (2,47%).
- 29 people have not voted (35,8%).
Outreach Department Coordinator
Election Results
Election anonymous ballot closed automatically on August 23, 2023.
- Louise Hawkins: 17/17 (100% of 17 cast vote forms)
- Abstain: 0/17 (0% of 17 cast vote forms)
- None of the above: 0/17 (0% of 17 cast vote forms)
Participation rates
- 26 people were entitled to vote.
- 17 people have voted (65,38%).
- 0 people were attentive but have not voted (0%).
- 9 people have not voted (34,62%).
Production Department Coordinator
Election Results
Election anonymous ballot closed automatically on August 23, 2023.
- Sigrid Gramlinger: 27/30 (90% of 30 cast vote forms)
- Abstain: 0/30 (0% of 30 cast vote forms)
- None of the above: 3/30 (10% of 30 cast vote forms)
Participation rates
- 48 people were entitled to vote.
- 30 people have voted (62,5%).
- 3 people were attentive but have not voted (6,25%).
- 15 people have not voted (31,25%).
Communication Channels
Election channels are still open in Mattermost for each role. These channels will allow department/community members to ask candidates questions regarding their manifestos in order to help them decide who to vote for.
The following Public Channels are open (Candidates were by the Secretary):
- OSM-G1-2023-VicePresident
- OSM-G1-2023-Treasurer
- OSM-G1-2023-Production
- OSM-G1-2023-Outreach
- OSM Bylaws: https://www.opensourcematters.org/organisation/by-laws-policies.html
- Change to the Nomination and Election Process: https://community.joomla.org/blogs/leadership/nomination-and-election-process.html
- Change to the Bylaws/Election System: https://community.joomla.org/blogs/leadership/changes-to-the-bylaws-of-osm-election-system.html
- Joomla! Election Cycle: https://www.opensourcematters.org/organisation/directors/election-cycle.html (previous method)
Thank you!