The Joomla Event Traveller Programme (JET) is pleased to announce that we have selected 25 members from the worldwide Joomla community, representing 16 countries as the recipients of the first JET Programme recognition. They will have the cost of admission covered to the upcoming J and Beyond Conference on May 30 – June 1, 2014 in Königstein Germany, and will receive assistance with travel and lodging.

The JET Programme is an initiative that was created to support active project volunteers and community members who have dedicated time and energy to make Joomla better, and who would like to attend larger Joomla events, such as J and Beyond and the Joomla! World Conference. (We will put a call out for the Joomla! World Conference JET Programme later this summer.)

We wish to thank all those who applied and congratulate those who were accepted! We look forward to seeing you in Königstein at J and Beyond!