We are happy to announce that nominations for Group 2 Officers and Department Coordinators have been finalised. The following individuals have confirmed their acceptance of nomination. Included are comments provided by the nominator(s) of each, nominees are listed in no particular order.
Note: Comments are verbatim from nominators except where editing was required to remove personal information about individuals other than the nominee.
Production Department Coordinator
George Wilson
“George knows perfectly well the software (CMS as well as Framework). He has already been Release Lead of several releases and is the Release Lead of 3.9 and 4.0. His involvement and knowledge will be assets as DC for Production. ”
“George has been involved with the project's production teams for over 4 years and is intimately familiar with the workflows of all teams in the department. He is a natural successor to this role.”
“George is a committed contributor and he has already experience as part of the leadership of the Project. He can be the natural successor of Michael as they are already working together on Joomla 4.”
“George is the perfect coordinator for production”
“Only one close to filling Michael's big shoes.”
“As release lead for Joomla 4 - George is well placed to be the voice of production during this key period in Joomla's progression. ”
Legal & Finance Department Coordinator
Søren Beck Jensen
“I think he is doing his best as current DC of this department ”
“Soren served is this role in a very good way, he is proactive and dedicated. I really appreciated his contribution to the Board during this year.”
“Doing a good job”
“Soren is competent and good to work with. Chemistry is important in this position.”
“He has been doing a great job”
Operations Department Coordinator
Hugh Douglas-Smith
“Hugh has been part of the Operations Department as JED Team member for many years. He has a process driven attitude and a lot of experience in the Joomla community. Hugh sits on various other boards and is therefore au fait with workings at this level. ”
“I know Hugh to be a person with a lot of experience of managing both day-to-day and long-term operations of a business which is exactly the approach I believe Joomla needs right now to be successful.”
Robert Jacobi
“I think he's doing a great job and I'd love to see him have another term. ”
“Robert has been an excellent president who in my experience has the confidence of the full board and organisation. Having an experienced business man at the helm of Joomla is not a bad thing. Robert is non abrasive and a good figure head for the organisation.”
“I think that Robert is pushing the Joomla community on the right direction, and he deserve to be elected for another term.”
“Robert has done a good job in the role thus far. I think he should be given the chance to be elected another year to follow through on some of the work he started his first year.”
“His dedication to the project”
Here’s Robert statement:
“I am deeply honored to have been nominated for a second term as President of Open Source Matters, Inc. and I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to serve our wonderful and active community, as well as help grow Joomla. Over the last year I have led with a goal to provide far more transparency, accountability, and professionalism from the board, through the departments, and to our hard working teams. Our successes with this have made great progress throughout the year, for example the most important passing of an on time and balanced budget. This has allowed us to expand our ability to plan and execute for the future and provide departments with resources to execute on a vision of Joomla growth. Yet I know there is more work to be done to complete this mission. I feel that throughout 2018 we will be able to complete steps which allow for greater community participation and effective transitions in positions within teams, departments, and the board. We must also allow all members to rise and accomplish work. We must grow and empower the active volunteer base, too long have individuals taken on too much, which has exhausted them and diminished our project. Joomla is no single person, we are an amazing global initiative, I truly believe this and wish for all Joomlers to have immense success personally and within Joomla. I hope to serve you for one more year, to complete our goals and my personal mission for a stable, professional organization, with limitless opportunities in the future.”
Rowan Hoskyns-Abrahall
“I’m convinced Rowan will be a great President for Joomla. She is more than involved, she knows perfectly the project, the community. She is well organised, efficient, easily available and she’s doing so much. And she will be good at promoting Joomla at events, Joomla ones as well as external ones. ”
“Rowan is one of the key people in Joomla, holding together the community and driving progress and needed changes. Without her Joomla would not be the same and a lot of the things we achieved in the last years wouldn't had happened. She organized an awesome JWC 2017 and is making every sprint an awesome experience. With her we would get a strong and approachable and president from the heart of the community, who would be fully focused on the success of Joomla. I can't imagine anyone better suited for this role!”
“Rowan is one of the major contributors to the Joomla Community. Almost all community members reach her for advice and help. She's well known and appreciated. She organized a very successful Joomla! World Conference last year where everyone had the opportunity to see her skills in action: especially organization, and dedication. I had the opportunity to work close with her on several projects within the Joomla Community and I really appreciate her commitment and proactive approach. “
“She's very committed to the project, has great social skills and is experienced in running large projects”
“She is dedicated, smart, has a vision for Joomla, Invests a lot of time helping different teams in the project.”
“In the years I have known Rowan she has been a true evangelist and ambassador for Joomla. She has the clarity of vision to guide and also the tenacity to make things happen. As a president I believe she will add immense value especially at a time when Joomla 4 is on the horizon and Joomla is embarking on a path of growth and awareness among new users. She is also very knowledgeable and understands the overall picture and can also see the detail. “
“Let's face it, bluntly, without Rowan Joomla! would have a big serious problem, she has done so much for J! already, and is able to do so much more. It's time to honour her and nominate her (and vote for her) for a true role that would fit her perfectly.”
“We need someone at conferences representing Joomla vs representing a company. Rowan has the freedom to do this without a conflict of interest to her business.”
“Rowan may be abrasive sometimes but she is passionate about Joomla. She is technically proficient enough to be accepted by the community. She would be a great female role model for women in open source.”
“Rowan has the drive, passion, ambition and vision to get Joomla into the next step. The way she handled Joomla World Conference 2017 and other conferences was simply amazing. The woman is simply unstoppable and will be able to achieve whatever she wants to and knows how to make people do their tasks in a firm, but respectful manner.”
Here’s Rowan’s statement
Having read what the community has written in support of me, there is little that I can add. It is clear that the community believes in my vision and knowledge of the project, and would like me to continue the work I have been doing over the past few years to move us forward and encourage us to flourish. I believe Robert has been a good President and that we are both capable of fulfilling the role from our different viewpoints. Should the community choose to elect him for another term I will happily continue my work as Events Department Coordinator alongside him.
Luca Marzo
“Luca has been and is, without surprise, a fantastic secretary. He has done and is doing a really great job and is qualified for this role. He has the right knowledge, he is perfectly organised, always available and ready to help.”
“Luca has worked very efficiently in this role since assuming it and it would be a loss for the board to lose him, especially as he is heavily involved in current projects where secretarial oversight is important.”
“It's hard to find the right words on how proud and thankful I am for Luca and the work he does. He is the perfect match for the board and the best secretary you can imagine. He is calm, focused and always keen to provide the best results possible. Additionally he brings incredible diplomatic and presentation skills, making sure no one feels excluded and that every opinion has been heard. Luca is working at Joomla not out of business interests, but because he believes in Joomla and it's community. Please return this faith and make sure you vote for him!”
“I think he's doing a great job and I'd love to see him in this role for another term.”
“Luca has taken on the role of secretary with excellence. He has a vast knowledge of the organisation, the by-laws and the technical setup. His organisational skills are excellent and his response time is always short. Luca is extremely professional in his approach and he is extremely dependable.”
“Being Secretary is not an easy position, but Luca fit his role as secretary, he very consistent at work,and he as sense of communication, we can really ask him help and he will respond effectively, he deserve to be elected for another term as secretary of the board. “
“He proved that he's the perfect fit for this role”
“He has all the skills required for this role. He had an excellent performance in his first term, and his commitment to the project is remarkable.”
“Luca has shown himself to be exemplary in his role of Secretary over the last year. His continued presence in this role is critical to the success of Joomla.”
“Why? He's doing a great job!! Keep him ;-)”
“Luca has done a very good job in this role and feel the board would be well served with him in the role another year.”
“Doing an excellent job in this role. Hope he will stay for another term.”
“He has been doing a wonderful job thus far, why not”
“Luca is the perfect Secretary and I cannot agree strongly enough with him having a second term.”
Next Steps:
- Voting Ballots will be going out to those who vote for Officer roles within the next day. An outline of who will vote and how votes are tallied can be found in the Bylaws.
- Voting Ballots for Department Coordinators will be going out to Team Leaders under the 3 departments involved to vote for their Department Coordinator.
- Voting parties will have 7 days to cast their votes.
- Votes will be tallied and announcement of newly elected officers will be posted approximately 48 hours after voting closes.
According to the Bylaws (link below), existing Officers also vote for new officers.
- OSM Bylaws: http://opensourcematters.org/images/documents/20-10-2016-OSM-ByLaws.pdf
- Joomla! Election Cycle: https://www.opensourcematters.org/organisation/directors/election-cycle.html
Thank you!