The following individuals have confirmed their acceptance of their nomination for the role of Department Coordinator. Included are comments provided by the nominator(s) of each, nominees are listed in no particular order.

Legal & Finance Department Coordinator

Duke Speer

Duke Speer

Learn more about Duke|closed

"Duke is a lawyer and has a deep understanding of community from his other volunteer work, with this department more focused on revenue streams and minimising legal fees he's a great fit."

"He has the perfect background for this role"

"Duke is a just-right fit for Legal-Finance. He has not previously served on OSM but has met with our project's attorneys and been involved in coordinating Joomla's legal administration and contracts. Before that, he served as Joomla's Trademark Manager. Having earned graduate degrees in both Law and Finance, plus extensive experience in the non-profit and fundraising world, his skill mix, strategic experience and passion for the Joomla Project would serve us well."

Soren Beck Jensen

Soren Beck Jensen

Learn more about Soren|closed

"Soren has Joomla in his heart, but most importantly he makes his living out of Joomla. He manages his own team and proved that he is able to take care of managing finance of his company. Moreover he's already a team leader in this department."

Programs Department Coordinator

Yves Hoppe

Yves Hoppe

Learn more about Yves|closed

"Yves is a level headed character with a huge passion for Joomla! his involvement in GSoC, which will be partly moving under this department after transition makes him a good fit. "

"He is already active in the gsoc area and is therefore the ideal occupation. This department can benefit greatly from its experience."

"He's fantastic - a true motivator - he understands the project and the code base incredibly well. He is also active as part of GSOC, part of which will move into programs after transition. Its a good fit and he's an even headed fair minded intelligent voice."

"His Experience, His Involvement in the project, His Skills"

Eric Lamy

Eric Lamy

Learn more about Eric|closed

"The Programs Department has a very limited scope, primarily dominated by the Certification program. The JCP and related programs are best represented by a member of the Certification teams. The Project as a whole is best represented by someone that has served in many roles across the project and who has been active in other departments like Marketing and at JAB, JWC and JDays. Eric combines these levels of experience with a balanced support for all aspects of the project. He would make a great executive team member."

eyvonne myers 250

Eyvonne Myers

Learn more about Eyvonne|closed

"Eyvonne is very passionate for Joomla! And its community. I know that overseeing the Certification team and Event traveler program would be right up her ally as she is always trying to encourage people to discover Joomla! and get involved. Eyvonne loves to organize travel plans and help others have the opportunity to attend such important and inspirational events. She is also very creative, organized and efficient when it comes to any tasks put in front of her."

Sam Suresh

Sam Suresh

Learn more about Sam|closed

"Sam is volunteering in Joomla! Certification Program for the past 3 years and involved in Joomla! translation team and Community Workgroup.

Full statement for Joomla!:"

"Sam have been with Joomla! Certification from the beginning. He fits well for this role."

"I support him as member of the Certification Program Team and reliable, open minded person."

"Sam is active in Joomla! Certification program and a good coordinator. And he is Asian!! :)"

"Sam is an experienced leader and he is a very proactive and responsible person. He led Certification Platform Team, building from scratch the tools needed to launch the Certification Program. Furthermore he runs the Joomla! Community Malaysia and he's the organizer of the local JoomlaDay."

Shortly, we will ask the Team Leaders of the respective departments to cast their votes for their Department Coordinator.

Once the votes are counted we will announce the newly elected Department Coordinators.

Ken Crowder & TJ Baker
Joomla Transition Team