In August of 2013, the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED) Team put out a Request for Proposals looking for developers interested in designing a new Joomla 3.x component to manage JED listings. The JED Team also released a list of JED 3.x Requirements outlining the required functionality needed for the component.

Nine proposals were submitted and the JED Team narrowed the list down to three submissions based on scope, viability and the timeframe to complete the project. The final three candidates were interviewed by members of the JED Team who determined that Fabrikar had the best solution.

On behalf of The JED Team, we’d like to thank all of the developers who submitted proposals. I’m pleased to announce that the contract between OSM and Fabrikar has been negotiated and signed by both parties.

Development will begin starting today with a target completion date for the second quarter of 2014. After a period of testing we will begin to roll out the new system, provide thorough documentation on how to use the new JED, and replace the existing website.

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