We are happy to announce the next steps for the election of Group 1 Elections. Included are recommendation comments provided by the nominator(s) of each. Nominess are listed in no particular order.
Note. This is election follows the new methodology that provides different timelines based on number and type of candidates.
Vice President
Nicola Galgano
Recommendations for Nicola|closed
"As I am almost new to this community, I am unable to give elaborated reason for recommendation. I know much about our group from FftF2020 Spain, from there on-words I know only 2 person from VP election group, Nico & Radek. I didn't get a chance to know much about Radek. But he is also very much active in our group. Nico the great man who is in my team at Spain, so I got a chance to know much about him. He is absolutely a great man, who spend a lot of time for our community. The 'Bug Squad ' team, he is doing a wonderful job. Also his DB skill we must use it in our future too. So I am always recommending Mr. Nicola Galgano here." - Manu Beladevan
"I am really happy and I support Nicola for the post of VP, Nicola has been around for a while and really active in the community, he is never shy to speak out his mind, I have worked with him many times on several GSoC projects, he has always been supportive to students, encouraged them, and has always been a good contributor for Joomla project. Nicola brings in a different point of view and shares his opinion freely, having him in the team and Board makes a lot of sense. I wish him Good luck! " - Puneet Kala
"I recommend Nicola for his great professionalism and vocation for Joomla and for Open Source in general." - Daniela De Prisco
"Nicola was able to get involved for the Joomla community. He has shown that he has critical but constructive thinking. It helps to break down Joomla entry barriers for many people, be it language or skills problems. He managed to get many people to join Joomla.org" - Luca Racchetti
Ruchika Nagarkar
Recommendations for Ruchika|closed
"I believe Ruchika has the right potential and the tremendous amount of zeal to contribute to the community on a broader aspect. Working along with her in the industry, I have observed the significant amount of dedication put up by her, with the sharp focus towards the work and simultaneously, maintaining the work-life balance to learn and adapt the trending skills. I would certainly highlight her technical and industrial knowledge and how she bring new ideas on the table,incorporated with that knowledge. She is a smart working individual and is someone who's presence brings the difference in the room." - Gaurav Sharma
"I've known Ruchika for quite a few years and have seen her work passionately as a web developer. Having seen the websites she's worked on makes her the person one can easily count on not just to get the job done but to be done with a 'wow factor'. Her experience in Joomla and the diligence with which she's explored her way in it is inspiring. Her knowledge, work ethics and creative temperament are what this community would benefit from immensely" - Shruti
"I meet Ruchika at jandbeyond in Barcelona. I worked with her, when she was part of the Joomladay Bangalore Team. As the current VP I asked in the community a question: „how to improve diversity in the community?“ The replies that were given me where clear. Diversity is to take action and to pull the persons inside the board that can make the change happen. Ruchika is part of the Indian community, she knows Joomla and development. She knows Organisation and how to engage women and students into coding. Next to my other recommendation, I give my recommendations to elect her as the next VP." - Elisa Foltyn
"I have worked with Ruchika professionally for more than 4 years and has seen her dedication, hard work and passion towards what she does. We also got a chance to work together in Joomla Day Bangalore where she has shown her dynamic capabilities. Considering all these, I believe she can be the perfect fit for the role and a great asset to Joomla community" - Rishi Vishwakarma
"I know Ruchika since 2015 and because she is smart, I truly believe she can do lot's of great things, as she explains clearly in her brilliant manifesto. She is a real Joomla lover, honestly and completely disinterested by a financial aspect of this kind of position, she just wants to serve Joomla and it's community by doing her best with her vision and her projects. Joomla needs more diversity, need more mixity, needs more smartness, Joomla definitly needs someone like Ruchika as OSM VP." - Daniel Dubois
Justine Ayebale Abunyanga
Recommendations for Justine|closed
"Meeting Justine a few years ago in Krakow, I get to know a very strong and energetic woman who can make things happen. Beeing a business woman and also part of the African community she knows both sides: the needs and demands of professional business and the environment of community people. People like Justine are what Joomla! needs, because she is a very kind and helpful person but on the other hand don't shy to have her own opinion and announce it, which is a very good combination for running as vice president." - Benjamin Trenkle
"I met Justine at jandbeyond in Krakow. As the current VP I asked in the community a question: „how to improve diversity in the community?“ The replies that were given me where clear. Diversity is to take action and to pull the persons inside the board that can make the change happen. The former VP and I, we wanted to reach out to African communities. But doing that „from outside“ is not the right thing to do in my opinion. We need someone in a Board position to be directly involved in the communication and to be supported by the board members to connect. Justine has a long history in building up networks in Africa and the ability to make a change for Joomla. Next to my other recommendation, I give my recommendations to elect her as the next VP." - Elisa Foltyn
Events Department Coordinator
David Opati Aswani
Recommendations for David|closed
"David has shown that he is interested in Joomla events with sincerity." - Luca Racchetti
Patrick Jackson
Recommendations for Patrick|closed
"I met Patrick the first time when he contacted me regarding a magazine article about the Joomla! 4.0 workflow he planned to write. Now hearing, that he runs for Events DC makes me very happy, because Patrick is a person who cares. He cares about the opinions of the people around him - from those involved in the teams across Joomla, through to the end user and the experience they are going to have when deciding to use Joomla. From the thoughts he's shared on where he sees the Events Department's teams having the potential to head in the future, I feel he's an ideal candidate. Before he put in his nomination he contacted every single person in the events department and asked, what the people would expect from a events DC, so he could make a rain check if he can fulfill the position, which in my eyes can only be answered by a big "yes"." - Benjamin Trenkle
"I first met Partick in Bugs & Fun @Home as I have not many contacts to the australian community. I was amazed how quickly he was able to create a friendly and productive atmosphere. He always is available to help and bringing new ideas forward. Joomla! needs people like Patrick, so I would recommend and support him to 100% " - Christiane
Marketing & Communications Department Coordinator
Marianela Quemé Alegre
Recommendations for Marianela|closed
"Passion for Open Source, rare individual who can span business and technical" - Andrew Smale
"Her vision of Joomla! can give greater visibility to the project" - Luca Racchetti
Election Results
Programs Department Coordinator
Election data
Election anonymous ballots closed automatically on August 15, 2020 at 23:59 UTC.
Programs DC
- Jaz Parkyn: 12/13 (92,31% of 13 cast vote forms)
- None of the above/abstain: 1/13 (7,69% of 13 cast vote forms).
Participation rates
- 13 people were entitled to vote.
- 13 people have voted (100%).
- 0 people were attentive but have not voted (0%).
- 0 people were inattentive and did not vote (0%).
This election has been processed with the Same Department Coordinator / Officer Uncontested. The term of the new office will start on September 29, 2020.
Election’s timeline and methodologies
Vice President, Events Department Coordinator Election
Both elections fall under the “Contested Department Coordinator / Officer” scenario in which there are multiple candidates that would be new in the role and the incumbent Board Member is not running for the office.
- August 08, 2020 - Full list of candidates and manifestos published. Recommendations form opened.
- August 15, 2020 - Recommendations submission deadline.
- August 16, 2020 - Recommendations published.
- August 23, 2020 - Ballots sent out.
- August 30, 2020 - Ballots close.
- August 31, 2020 - Results announced
- September 29, 2020 - First day of New Term.
Marketing & Communications Department Coordinator Election
This election falls under the “New Department Coordinator / Officer Uncontested” scenario.This scenario occurs when there is only one candidate that would be new in the position.
- August 08, 2020 - Sole candidate declared. Recommendations form opened.
- August 15, 2020 - Recommendations submission deadline.
- August 16, 2020 - Recommendations published & Ballots sent out.
- August 23, 2020 - Ballots close.
- August 24, 2020 - Results announced, handover begins.
- September 29, 2020 - First day of New Term.
Programs Department Coordinator Election
This election falls under the “Same Department Coordinator / Officer Uncontested” scenario. This scenario occurs when there is only one candidate that is already incumbent in the role. This is the expedited timeline.
- August 08, 2020 - Existing DC declared as sole candidate. Manifesto published and ballots sent out.
- August 15, 2020 - Ballots close.
- August 16, 2020 - Results announced.
- September 29, 2020 - First day of New Term.
Communication Channels
Election channels will be opened in Glip for each role. These channels will allow department/community members to ask candidates questions regarding their manifestos in order to help them decide who to vote for.
The following Public Channels will be opened (Candidates will be added by the Secretary):
- OSM-G1-2020-VicePresident-Channel
- OSM-G1-2020-EventsDC-Channel
- OSM-G1-2020-ProgramsDC-Channel
- OSM-G1-2020-MarketingDC-Channel
Next Steps:
- The Election of the Programs DC has been completed.
- The Call for Manifestos for the Treasurer role has been extended.
- The Ballots for the Marketing DC election will be sent shortly today.
- The Ballots for the Vice President and Events DC elections will be sent on August 23, 2020.
According to the Bylaws (link below), existing Officers also vote for new Officer roles.
Voters (Officer Elections)
List of members with the right to vote, as of August 16, 2020|closed
- Achilleas Papageorgiou
- Ahmad Moussa
- Alison Meeks
- Alkaios Anagnostopoulos
- Allon Moritz
- Andrea Gentil
- Anibal Sanchez
- Anja de Crom
- astrid guenther
- Beat
- Benjamin Trenkle
- Brian Mitchell
- Brian Rønnow
- Carlos Cámara
- Chris Keen
- Christiane Maier-Stadtherr
- Christiane Viatte
- Ciaran Walsh
- Claire Mandville
- Daniel Dubois
- David Aswani
- David Jardin
- David Neukirchen
- David Steadson
- Davide Messia
- Deb Cinkus
- Demis Palma
- Djamel Kherbi
- Donata Kalnenaite
- Donato Matturro
- Dror Lamdan
- Ed Hathaway
- Elisa Foltyn
- Eric Lamy
- George Wilson
- Giovanni Genovino
- Hannes Papenberg
- Hans van der Meer
- Harald Leithner
- Hervé Boinnard
- Hugh Douglas-Smith
- Hugh Douglas-Smith
- Ilagnayeru (MIG) Manickam
- Jacob Waisner
- James Morrell
- Jason Nickerson
- Jaz Parkyn
- Jelle Kok
- Jeroen Moolenschot
- JM Simonet
- Joe Sonne
- Joel Lupfer
- Jonathan Gafill
- Justyna Michallek
- Laura Gordon
- Llewellyn van der Merwe
- Luca Marzo
- Marc Dechèvre
- Marc Widmann
- Marco Dings
- Marianela Queme
- Marijke Stuivenberg
- Mark Lee
- Mark W. Bender
- Martijn Maandag
- Martin Hüttebräucker
- Mike Brandner
- Nicola Galgano
- Niels Braczek
- Noreen Cesareo
- Olaf Offick
- Olivier Nolbert
- Patience Nekesa
- Patrick Jackson
- Peter Martin
- Philip Walton
- Puneet Kala
- Quy Ton
- Radek Suski
- Richard Fath
- Robert Deutz
- Roland Dalmulder
- Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall
- Sander Potjer
- Sandra Decoux
- Sebastien Lapoux
- Sharky
- Sigrid Gramlinger
- Stacey Cox
- Stefan Wajda
- Stefan Wendhausen
- Stefania Gaianigo
- Székely Dénes
- Thomas Hunziker
- Tito Alvarez
- Tobias Zulauf
- Toivo Talikka
- Tom Hutchison
- Troy Hall
- Vikas Pisal
- Wilco Alsemgeest
- Yair Lahav
- OSM Bylaws: https://www.opensourcematters.org/images/documents/25-Jul-19-OSM-ByLaws.pdf
- Election Policy and Timelines (Replacement Elections): https://www.opensourcematters.org/organisation/directors/election-policy.html#replacement-elections
- Change to the Nomination and Election Process: https://community.joomla.org/blogs/leadership/nomination-and-election-process.html
- Change to the Bylaws/Election System: https://community.joomla.org/blogs/leadership/changes-to-the-bylaws-of-osm-election-system.html
Thank you!