Elections for the board of Open Source Matters, Inc. occur twice a year at 6 monthly intervals to ensure continuity of the board by electing half the members in each cycle.

Please see the election cycle document on the Open Source Matters site for more information: https://www.opensourcematters.org/organisation/directors/election-cycle.html

The image below shows the current Board of Directors and Officers as of July 2018

joomla organisation structure first board 2017 869
(click to enlarge the image)

The following 6 positions are open for nomination and election in this cycle:

  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Events Department Coordinator
  • Marketing & Communication Department Coordinator
  • Programs Department Coordinator
  • Legal & Finance Department Coordinator Replacement(*)

(*)The current Legal & Finance Department Coordinator stepped down and the elected replacement will be effective until the end of Group 2 Term (6 months).


Each department already has teams set up under them. The Team Leaders of each team in each department will cast one (1) vote for the person they wish to be their Department Coordinator.

Votes will be tallied and a winner will be chosen. In the event that the winner of this vote is already a Team Lead, their role as Team Lead will need to be backfilled as an individual may not serve as a Department Coordinator and also be a Team Lead concurrently.

It is a good idea for all nominees to familiarize themselves with the Bylaws especially the sections relating to the Department Coordinator Team Leader role:



Each Department Coordinator and Team Leader will cast one (1) vote each for each Officer Position.  These votes will be tallied within each department and the results of this tally will serve as the Department’s vote for the officer.  

Additionally each existing Officer (President, Vice President, Secretary & Treasurer) will also cast one (1) vote for each Position.  

The four (4) Officer votes will be added to the department votes and the candidate with the most votes for each position will be duly elected.

Submit your nomination


  • Deadline for Nominations: 4th August 2018 at 23:59 UTC.
  • Deadline for Acceptance: 11th August 2018 at 23:59 UTC
    (Nominees who have not responded by this time will be presumed to be not interested in the position and removed from the ballot)
  • Ballots Issued: 12th of August 2018 by 15:00 UTC
    (Via ADoodle - an anonymous voting system to Team Leads and Department Coordinator Team Leaders to cast votes for each officer position. If all nominees accept prior to the closing date, this may be brought forward)
  • Voting Closes: 19th August 2018 at 23:59 UTC.
    (The Secretary will tally up each Departments’ vote as outlined in Section 6.02.E of the Bylaws. If a Team Lead or Department Coordinator has not voted by this time, their vote will be classed as an abstention)
  • Results Published: 20th August 2018
    (In the event that an Official Team Lead is elected, their role as Team Lead will need to be backfilled as an individual may not serve on the board at the same time as serving as an Official Team Lead.)
  • Handover/Transition Period Begins(1): 20th August 2018
  • Handover/Transition Period Ends(1)/ New Term Begins: 23rd September 2018

It is a good idea for all nominees to familiarise themselves with the Bylaws: https://www.opensourcematters.org/organisation/by-laws-policies.html

(1)In order to allow a smooth transition for new and departing board members, a transition period has been added before the end of the previous term. During this period the existing Department Coordinator / Officer will still hold their position. The new Department Coordinator / Officer will shadow them until their term officially starts on the 23rd September 2018.