The call for Volunteers is now closed.
In order to respect the terms of long standing CLT members, and to allow them to step down as planned, the CLT is looking for people willing to take up temporary positions within the team whilst the project is still in transition.
What is the CLT?
The Community Leadership Team (CLT) is the leadership arm of the project responsible for the Community Workgroup (CWG). The Community Workgroup (CWG) consists of certain sites/areas where hundreds of volunteers help out:
- Joomla Community Magazine (JCM),
- Joomla Community Portal (Community site),
- Joomla Extension Directory (JED),
- Joomla Forum (Forum),
- Joomla Resources Directory (JRD),
- Joomla Showcase Directory,
- Joomla User Groups (JUG),
- The Joomla Project main site
- Joomla Volunteers Portal
- Joomla Events Team
- Joomla Social Media Team
- Joomla Marketing Team
Who is the CLT looking for?
We are looking for volunteers who are able to commit a decent amount of time to their roles with a proven track record of meeting their commitments within the project.
We’re looking for people with the following skills and abilities:
In General:
- must have a reasonable and consistent amount of time to focus on your responsibilities
- comfortable working with people of different backgrounds (cultural, professional, etc)
- being able to work on their own but also contribute to combined goals as a member of a team
- demonstrate problem solving abilities and have the ability to handle controversial situations
- experience with working/volunteering within the Joomla project
- general conduct of a professional and considerate nature in public media channels
- must be willing to agree to abide by the Joomla Code of Conduct
Some specific skills that would be an asset to the CLT:
Good administrative skills - organizer, planner, get-stuff-done kind of person
Management skills - whether in business or volunteer roles
Must be fluent in English, either as a native speaker or additional language..
writing/blogging/communication skills
This call will be open for 7 days and the form will be closed on 1st of August 2016 at 18:00 (CET). The call for Volunteers is now closed.
The current members of the CLT will be reviewing and considering all nominations from which we will select and contact those we feel would be the best fit to join.