After the election of the current Treasurer as new President of Open Source Matters and after the resignation of the Vice President, two Officer roles are now open for a replacement election.

According to the new Nomination and Election Process voted by the Members of Open Source Matters, Inc. and published here, The Secretary has to publish a Call for Manifestos from Candidates who are interested in running as Candidates for the Election as Officers and Department Coordinators of Open Source Matters, Inc.

The following 2 positions are open for replacement nomination and election at this time.

This is a replacement election, so the elected Officers will fill up the positions until the end of the current term.


Each interested individual in running as Candidate for any of the positions mentioned above shall send an email to the Secretary of Open Source Matters, Inc. at containing:

  • their Full name (legal name)
  • their Country
  • the position for which they're interested to run.
  • their picture (or the one in the Volunteers Portal will be used).
  • their manifesto in a PDF format that can be easily attached to the Candidate Announcement.

The deadline for manifesto March 24, 2020 at 23.59 UTC.

After all the manifestos will be in, the Secretary will publish a full list of candidates for each role alongside their manifestos. The Secretary will also open a “Recommendations” form which will replace the Nominations form previously used. This will give anyone an opportunity to add words of support for the candidates and let the community know why they think they are ideal for the role.

Election channels will be opened in Glip for each role. These channels will allow department/community members to ask candidates questions regarding their manifestos in order to help them decide who to vote for.


  • Candidate Manifesto Submission Deadline - March 24, 2020.
  • Full list of Candidates & Manifestos published - Recommendations form opened - 1 day later - March 25, 2020.
  • Recommendations submissions deadline - April 1, 2020.
  • Recommendations published - April 2, 2020.
  • Ballots Sent out - April 9, 2020.
  • Ballots Close - April 16, 2020.
  • Results announced - April 17, 2020.

The proposed timeline is related to the "Contested DC/Officer Empty Board Seat" scenario.

Note: The deadline has been extended to reflect the new nomination process voted back in December 2019.