Elections for the Board of Open Source Matters, Inc. occur twice a year at 6 monthly intervals to ensure continuity of the board by electing half the members in each cycle.

According to the new Nomination and Election Process voted by the Members of Open Source Matters, Inc. and published here, The Secretary has to publish a Call for Manifestos from Candidates who are interested in running as Candidates for the Election as Officers and Department Coordinators of Open Source Matters, Inc.

 The following 5 positions are open for nomination and election in this cycle:

Announcements about current Officers and Directors intention to run for another term.

  • Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall - current President - has the intention to run for another term.
  • Luca Marzo - current Secretary - has the intention to run for another term.
  • Harald Leithner - current Production Department Coordinator would like to step down at the end of his term.
  • Jason Nickerson - current Legal & Financial Department Coordinator would like to step down at the end of his term.
  • Hugh Douglas-Smith - current Operations Department Coordinator has the intention to run for another term.


Each interested individual in running as Candidate for any of the positions mentioned above shall send an email to the Secretary of Open Source Matters, Inc. at containing:
- their Full name (legal name)
- their Country
- the position for which they're interested to run.
- their picture (or the one in the Volunteers Portal will be used).
- their manifesto in a PDF format that can be easily attached to the Candidate Announcement.

The deadline for manifesto is January 31, 2020.
Only for this cycle, the timeframe for sending manifestos is shorter than expected due to some delays in voting and implementing this new system and methodology.

After all the manifestos will be in, the Secretary will publish a full list of candidates for each role alongside their manifestos. The Secretary will also open a “Recommendations” form which will replace the Nominations form currently used. This will give anyone an opportunity to add words of support for the candidates and let the community know why they think they are ideal for the role.

Election channels will be opened in Glip for each role. These channels will allow department/community members to ask candidates questions regarding their manifestos in order to help them decide who to vote for.

All the details about next steps can and the new process can be found here.


  • Candidate Manifesto Submission Deadline - Friday, January 31, 2020.
  • Full list of Candidates & Manifestos published - Recommendations form opened 1 day later - Saturday, February 01, 2020.
  • Recommendations submissions deadline - Saturday, February 08, 2020.
  • Recommendations published - Sunday, February 09, 2020.
  • Ballots Sent out - Sunday, February 16, 2020.
  • Ballots Close - Sunday, February 23, 2020.
  • Results announced - Monday, February 24, 2020.
  • Year End Report publishing deadline - Monday, April 6, 2020.