Since May 2013 the Vulnerable Extensions List website has performed brilliantly as a much needed resource for the Joomla community at .
With Joomla 2.5 coming up to end of life in December and the vel team attempting to be the champions in keeping up to date, we are about to launch vel3.
After consultation, VEl3 will run the same RSformsPro script but will have some other changes.
We will be removing the IP blacklist section, We will also be removing the mailinglist, as alerts and resolutions can be obtained by the feedburner tool.
The commenting system has been removed and replaced by the facebook fan page at which will be moderated to prevent spam and exploit examples. We have also launched ASKvel to enable you to ask questions along side the developer focused TELLVel
Future enhancements.
A team of community developers are looking at developing an API to make available the VEL database of vulnerabilities and fixes in a read only api to search and then view extensions vulnerability and fixed status.
VeL Team articles:
Blog post discussion <a