Even if the use of alliteration for the topic of this blog post doesn't excite you, the newly created forum: Trending Topics might. It's kind of an experiment, based on the input from others of course. Sorry if it doesn't work out, but I'm putting my reputation on the line hoping it will.

Initially only 'Trender Tenders' will be able to start new topics, but anyone who is a registered member will be able to reply to them. We hope this will maintain a little bit of order and good results will come out of this forum as a result. Give us a few days to post a sticky and generally consolidate things before we invite you all to jump in.

BTW this idea sprang from the suggestions of Jacques here, so guess who's our first 'Trender Tender' now?

Stay tuned to see how this all works out. :)


Edit: You can comment below, or even better, discuss this here.