We’ve waited a long time, but now it’s launched: the renewed and refreshed https://shop.joomla.org. New products, new functionalities, new system, … and it will change your life!
Why? Now you can spread the Joomla! love all over the world! With new designs and products you can show everybody you’re in love with Joomla!
People will stop and start talking to you when you run up and down the street or park in your new shirt or hoodie or protecting yourself from the sun (or rain) with these awesome caps. If you’re not as energetic then you can sit back and relax, drinking your coffee in the office with your Joomla! Coffee mug. Joomla! Books are also available! As we won’t be holding stock they are sold via an Amazon store.
Don’t be shy - you can be famous! Order your product, take a photo with it and submit it to the Joomler Showcase. It might end up being used as the main product photo. Imagine yourself as a famous model, seen across the world…
Got questions, want to suggest new products, something went wrong with your order? Don’t panic - we also integrated a helpdesk where the Shop Team will help you out!
None of this would have been possible without the contributions of Sandra Thevenet, Rowan Hoskyns-Abrahall, Elisa Foltyn, Brian Teeman, Nicolas and his team from Hikashop, and our testers and designers at J! And Beyond 2016!
About Hikashop
HikaShop is a complete e-commerce solution for Joomla allowing you to easily create, personalize and manage your online store. Thanks to powerful integrated marketing tools you can analyze your results and increase your sales.