We are pleased to inform that the following people have been elected for the Open Source Matters (OSM) Board of Directors:

Philip Locke
Paul Orwig
Altansukh Tumenjargal

In this first part of this election, the Community Oversight Committee has had focus at approving candidates, proposed by the Board of Directors on basis of the Joomla! Community nomination, that could fill in the vacant positions of Treasurer, Capital Chair and to bring on a member with great Governmental and international insight.

This has been fullfilled by approving these 3 candidates as their background and skillsets match the set requirements.
We are very pleased that they all accepted the invitation to join the OSM Board of Directors and have high expectations of the contribution they are to share. Welcome!

Part two of the election:

There will be an additional 2-4 new members approved early October, and the COC had wished this to be finalized in one go, but there was a need for some clarification on definitions of roles and tasks.

The community did a great job in providing some fine nominations, and the Board of Directors did perform a very thorough evaluation proces and timely delivered a shortlist of candidates for approval. We at the COC only needed a little more time to ensure the best team is set when this election is ended. Hope you all have a little more patience, and will welcome a part 2 announcement in near future. Thanks.

The Joomla! Community Oversight Committee
Brad Baker, Chris Davenport, Samuel Moffatt, Ole Bang Ottosen