Feature Specification:

Following are the main tasks those will be carried out as a part of implementation for GSoC:


The LDAP User plugin will enable to push the users data into the LDAP directory. This plugin will provide the templates for configuring the various LDAP implementations like Microsoft Active Directory, OpenLDAP, OpenDirectory etc. The administrator will be able to set and edit
the configuration details for the particular LDAP implementation.

This plugin will also provide the way to synchronise the user details in both the joomla and the directory system. This will map the various user attributes in both the Joomla! and directory service.

LDAP Groups and Group Mapping

The LDAP Groups plugin will enable administrator to import/add  the group from/to LDAP.

This plugin will allow administrator to create user group in the LDAP and organize users accordingly.

The users can also be organized in other way, like the user can be a member of the various groups. So while doing authentication the groups an user belong to can be retrieved in the user object.

This plugin will provide the way to import the users from the particular group of LDAP to the Joomla! groups.
Like LDAP User, the plugin will provide the configurable templates to support various directory implementations.

To provide the way to map the groups from external systems with the Joomla groups the extension will be implemented; which will take care of the the Group mappings between the external system and Joomla!


Following is the rough estimates about the timeline which shall be followed for the feature implementation

LDAP User: 3-4 weeks

LDAP Groups: 3-4 weeks

Group Mappings: 2 weeks

The LDAP user and the part of LDAP groups will be implemented by mid term.