For a very long time people in the Community Working Group (and the Sites and Infrastructure group before that) have wanted to create a social network style site for the Joomla! Community. Recently the Community Leadership Team has been discussing this idea (yet) again and also discussing a major redesign of all of the sites.
At the same time, we were pleased to see that JomSocial has decided to join the commercial GPL family and we were happy to have Azrul offer to work with the CWG to implement a JomSocial installation.
We know there are a number of other possible excellent extensions that could be used for this. We've been experimenting and think that JomSocial will do the best job for what we envision.
Now we want to know what you think. Do you think you would participate in a Joomla! focused social networking site? What features would you like to see? How do you think you would use it?
Also, we know that one highly valued thing about the family of sites is the positive atmosphere, lack of blatant commercialism and general friendliness. The forums have a really effective set of rules for posting that we'd probably adapt for this site. What ideas do you have about overall guidelines for behavior on a social site?
Also, what about a name? The two favorite ideas we have are and
We'd like to have feed back via a Google Form. Thanks for your ideas.
In the meantime we are considering a beta launch of the site soon so that users like you can help us to shape its needs and functions.
By the way, RFC = "Request For Comment" ;) Just clarifying as I've had a couple people ask me already what that means.
UPDATE: We've closed the form now. Thanks for all your comments.
RESULTS: We've published the resulting feedback received. Please note at the bottom of this link you can access both the raw data as well as the graphs. See the results here.