No matter how upset you may be, or how frustrated you may be, as a community we have standards of behaviour that we either accept or do not accept. Here is an example I dealt with today:

As a user of Joomla's support systems and websites, you should never treat others this way, or tolerate being treated by others this way. Our Code of Conduct can be found here along with our forum rules here.

If you ever feel threatened by another user, or feel material posted on our forum is inappropriate, please do your part in showing the kind of material and behaviour you find unacceptable by using the 'report to moderator' link which can be found next to each post. This is not about censorship, this is about maintaining an environment where people feel safe and willing to contribute and not have to be treated poorly by others. Even if you have something difficult or contradictory to say, you can still say is in a non-confrontational and respectful manner.

Thanks to the 99.9% of our users who act like the mature people they are, we can rise above this poor behaviour and continue on doing our best as an open source community. I'm also wondering if poor behaviour such as this should be exposed more in this way, rather than just being deleted? Perhaps then people will start taking responsibility for what they say, and showing others that they either accept poor behaviour or not.

Other projects and sites may accept poor behaviour, we do not!