We are pleased to announce the launch of the Joomla! Community Dashboard at https://dashboard.joomla.org.
Several Open Source project dashboards were presented at the European Community Leadership Summit in 2014. Representatives from communities using this tool discussed the potential of the system and explained how they make use of the tools to visualise community metrics. A member of the Community Leadership Team was in attendance and proposed creating a similar dashboard Joomla - Bitergia has since been working with the Community Leadership Team to setup and configure the Joomla Community Dashboard.
Based on Open Source tools including the MetricsGrimoire suite; GrimoireLib; VizGrimoireJS and Automator, the dashboard updates on a daily basis and currently pulls in data from the Joomla project GitHub repositories (both the CMS and Framework), and the Joomla Documentation Wiki.
We hope the dashboard will be a useful asset to the Joomla community. We welcome contributions to extend the data sources that are analysed or improve the system. The source code for the dashboard is hosted on Github here, where we welcome pull requests: https://github.com/Bitergia/joomla.
To find out more about how the dashboard is created please visit the Data Sources page on the dashboard.
To discuss this blog post please use the following forum thread: https://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=704&t=917127