The JET Team are pleased to announce the recipients of the JET Award for JandBeyond 2018.
There were 14 Applications and 7 applicants were granted an award
The following applicants have been successful
![Abdulkadir Shehu Abdulwahab](
Abdulkadir Shehu Abdulwahab - Nigeria/Malaysia - Full Award
I have been involved in Joomla Since 2009. Although i may not be in the core project teams but i have been an advocate of Joomla in malaysia and in Africa especially Nigeria. Due to my committment to promote Joomla i happened to be the first to introduce Joomla to my University then while in school and after school i continue with the promotion among other colleges and auniversities in Malaysia where i currently reside and in Nigeria my home coutnry. Succesfully i was able to introduce Joomla to the Software engineering student of a reputable university in Malaysia - Universiti Selangor Malaysia and happily most of the the final year student used Joomla for their project. This was indeed an achievement for Joomla as it will continue to spread among students and their supervisors. Yet with my involvement which is mainly promotion of Joomla via training and seminars i was able to train about 120 youths and working adults i Gusau Zamfara state In Nigeria. I go to Nigeria every year at least once and also conduct trainings for youths so that thay can be empowered with Joomla skills to reduce unemployment. I successfully founded the JUGKADUNA to ensure my community enjoy the best Joomla can offer and share ideas with aim of spreading and creating awareness of Joomla in Kaduna Nigeria. I have met a former minister of education on the need to adopt Joomla into the education systems of Nigeria as a way to enhance and empower student even while they are still in school. The effort is still ongoing an that is why i got in contact with a Joomla teame leader to be part of the Education outrich for Joomla on Glip. I have authored 3 books on Joomla and have given away many copies just in my little effort to promote the use of Joomla as i have seen clearly without dounbt the benefit of being empowered with Joomla Skills and i wanted others to enjoy the same too. I am currently in the translation voluntter group wherr i am helping to translate the Joomla project into my local and popular language "Hausa" so that it can be used by those who couldnt eunderstand much English. This is a great step to help spread Joomla even among locals who dont speak english. i am currently working with my university managment to see how joomla can be taght as a course in the universoty. Of this happenes its a great plus for Joomla and the Joomla commmunity. I have attended and spoke at the Joomla JAB conference 2017 in krakow knowledge gained was share among colleagues and students. i will be traveling to Kigali Rwanda for the CMS Africa 2018 conference (16-18 march) where i will be speaking on how Joomla can help reduce unemployment in Africa. These among other aspect has deepened my involvement in Joomla as a whole. However luke i have mentioned earleir i am more to promotion and advocacy of the use of Joomla rathern being in the leadership Project of Joomla. In Conclusion the overall aim is to promote the use of Joomla to the world and i am doing my best to the what i can to see Joomla overtake any other application on the web.
![Alessandro Germano](
Alessandro Germano - Italy - Event Ticket only Award
Over the years I have perfected and expanded my skills in the field of marketing and web development and I was able to study in depth the Joomla! CMS and its potential to become Cofounder and President of the Joomla! Abruzzo association through which I can contribute to the spread of the use of open-source systems and software. Currently with my society I'm developing management softwares based on Joomla! Framework on wich I talked about at Joomla! World Conference 2017 in Rome.
![Joel Njoroge Mbugua](
Joel Njoroge Mbugua - Kenya - Full Award
I'm a regular contributor in reporting bugs on github. I'm a fan of the Joomla! community and I speak and Joomla! Day Kenya & CMS Africa Summit Events I've been a Joomla Volunteer Member of the Showcase Directory TeamI was awarded the JET Award in 2016 but I never attended it since I did have my visa application approved. I'd still like to attend this years JandBeyond and I feel it will be of benefit to me in this way: Interacting with the larger Joomla community across divides. I will learn more about Joomla from the talks and presentations. I will be able to connect with like minded people who believe in the power of open source projects I will be able to broaden my horizons to benefit my business which is based on Joomla!
![Helvecio da Silva](
Helvecio da Silva - Brazil - Full Award
Currently I am the Co-Lead Editor of the Joomla Community Magazine with Jacques Rentzke. The magazine is going through changes and I am glad to be part of this team at this moment. I also contribute as the Leader for the Brazilian Portuguese Joomla Translation Pack Team which is of utmost importance to keep the Brazilian Joomla community alive. Every now and then I also contribute with my skills as a graphic designer. Recently I have done some graphics for Joomla Day Florida 2018. Since 2010 I have done my best to attend Joomla events in Brazil and abroad. In many I had the opportunity to give presentations about Joomla templates how to create and customize them. In Brazil I also have had the opportunity to present Joomla in CMS related events. Last but not least I'm always open to help and welcome people who are joining the Joomla community.
![Jason Nickerson](
Jason Nickerson - USA - Full Award
Joomla Capital Team Member Tampa Joomla User Group Organizer JoomlaDay Florida Organizer. This would allow me to engage and meet more volunteers and develop better relations.
Benjamin Trenkle - Germany - Event Ticket & Accom Award
I improved the multilingual process in Joomla! 3.0. I'm a regular contributor to the Joomla! project. I was mentor in GSOC 2017 created the complete concept for the potential new Publishing Workflow and finished it after GSoC was over. I hold a session on the JWC in Rome about the Publishing Workflow and made a workshop about Bootstrap 4 (also in Rome) - I'm a regular speaker on German Joomla!Days and in Austria - I submitted two talks for JAB 2018 as speaker - I'm the founder of the JUG-Freiburg (Germany) and was an active member until I moved to Munich - I was organisator of a Pizza Bugs and Fun event in Freiburg (Germany) - In Munich I hold regulary small presentations about Joomla! topics - In Munich I organised a complete workshop and was speaker too - I'm member of the Joomla! Security Strike Team
![Harald Leithner](
Harald Leithner - Austria - Event Ticket & Accom Award
I have a free multilingual component. I'm mentor for the GSoc 2018 I'm one of the organizers for the JUG Vienna I'm an organizer for the next Joomla! Day Austria 2019 I'm member of the Security STrike Team and Bug Squad I'm one of the Joomla! Stack Exchange moderators.