The Joomla! Extensions Directory Team is proud to announce a new enhanced listing submission approval process. Over the last two years, submissions to the JED have increased exponentially and it is expected to continue to grow throughout 2011 and far beyond. The JED now serves over 6000 extensions to the community and is expected to reach nearly 7000 within the next 6 weeks. To help facilitate this growth, the submission approval process has been enhanced. This is the first round of enhancements that will be coming out this month and the team is very excited about the new features - we hope you will be too!
Here are the enhancements:
- Submission Errors Now Display In the Pending Listing Screen
- Editors can place comments directly in the Error display
- The date of submission now shows (Approval time is set for 21 days)
- A reorganized submission page
- Information about the listing fields directly on the Pending Screen/Add Listing Page
So What Does It Mean?
- If you currently have a pending listing, you can check to see what errors you need to fix to get your listing approved without the need to wait for an email from the JED Team.
- You will no longer recieve emails from the team to inform you of errors.
- The JED Team will be able to process entries with greater speed.
So What's the Catch?
- There is no catch - the team has implemented this to improve the Developer Experience and to decrease the team workload while providing more listings more expediently to the end users.
- One thing to note, when you go to your pending listing, if you have not made the required changes, click the "Cancel" button - if you are ready to have your listing re-reviewed by an editor, there is a checkbox to mark and the hit "Submit."
The Screenshots