Since its inception, JAB has been an awesome & feature packed event which gets together 300+ Joomla! users across the world. The best innovations and advancements in the Joomla world are shared here and it would be fair to say that it is the Mecca of anyone working in Joomla. As always it was a rocking event ! Read on to see what Marketing did at JAB14 !! 

Unravelling the Data Puzzle

Data and Analytics is a big Jigsaw puzzle with either too much data or too little data being one of the big problems. What's more its very import to take and analyze the data in the right context to make sense out of it and actually evolve a strategy around it. Jess has been doing some major deep diving into Joomla! analytics and data from a gazillion sources for a while now and her JAB session on this topic went a long way in helping demystify a lot of the speculations around Joomla! data. You can view the presentation for this “The bare naked truth about Joomla! Data” on Jessica’s Slideshare.

The Make it Happen Session

The J And Beyond this year was pretty special with two Special programs in the Schedule. One was the Make it Happen sessions which envisaged getting groups of people to 'do more' for Joomla.  Events like J & Beyond get Joomla! people from all over the world together and this is a great opportunity to collaborate and get things done in Joomla. This concept was already proven with the bug squashing sessions at the previous events. The plan was to extend this beyond code at J and Beyond 2014.
With Marketing, this was a great chance to get more people involved in the process .The Marketing 'Make it happen’' saw over 20 people attending. We had a lot on our plate to get done. The session plan was as below. 

MakeItHappen JMarketing  

We started off with a quick intro into the workings of the Marketing team and how to get involved. One of the objectives for us to recruit more people for various areas of Marketing. We asked everyone who was interested to fill in our volunteer form to get on board. In case you missed it, you can fill it out here. Once this was done, it was time to get hands on!  Read on below for details of the  various projects we worked on.

Crowdsourcing the Joomla! Social Posting Database

Social Media is about more channels to get useful information to people. That its a great marketing channel and drives a lot of viral traffic is a great plus. Joomla! on its official handles needs to be more active and disseminate useful Joomla! information to its followers and get lots of traffic in the process. We turned this into a game with everyone working on a shared google sheet to create Social media content for Joomla. This was a lot of fun and we saw over 100 posts collated in just 20 mins !  If you missed the Make it happen at JAB14 join in now !! Here’s the link to the sheet to contribute . Next up it was time to split up into teams and work on various Marketing projects. Here’s the various projects the Get It Done teams worked on !

Updated Feature list for Joomla 3

The feature list page on is old.. like really really old ! Imagine it still advertises XML RPC which went away in Joomla 1.5. If we want more people to adopt Joomla, we need to be clear on what Joomla is today ! The objective of this team was to be bring out an exhaustive feature list of Joomla. Here’s what the team came up with

Migration strategy for Joomla 1.5

With approximately 35% or more of Joomla’s installed base on Joomla 1.5, this team decided to take a practical approach to getting them over to the latest Joomla versions. See what they came up with

Joomla! Business cards design

Every year, many of our leaders go to different conferences around the world spreading the Joomla! gospel. However when it is time to get in contact with other people interested in getting involved in the Joomla! Community, they are forced to use their personal business cards. In order to be sure that our leaders can represent Joomla! properly out the Community,  we have decided that business cards are one of many touch points that need to be developed. During JAB14 few layout proposals have been designed that are going to be submitted to the major Community Leadership Teams.

GSOC kit

This year once again, Joomla! is participating in the Google Summer of Code. This is a great opportunity for the Joomla! project to get new and fresh code for our Joomla! CMS. To thank all the people who are working hard during their summer coaching and helping our students, we planned to create beautiful and personalized ephemera. During J and Beyond 2014, our designers did a general brainstorming  and came out with some proposals. We hope to turn those gadgets in beautiful and wearable objects that our mentors can be proud to show.

Joomla! Official Brochure

We had a group of people working on the content of the official Joomla! brochure. This group is strictly related to the Joomla! business cards and both groups go under a bigger umbrella of communication materials that we are planning to use in order to marketing Joomla! and its brand. With our leaders traveling around the world, speaking at many no-related Joomla! Conferences, there is the necessity to have printed informative materials that simple explain what Joomla! is. During J and Beyond 2014 we worked on defining the content inside the brochure improving the structure of a nice booklet that CMS Garden used at CeBIT 2014.

Fixes on 3.3 landing page

The Joomla 3.3 landing page needed some fixes before we could go live with it. Though we were not able to complete the task as planned , we still got a few things done that volunteers have continued on post JAB. Thank you for everyone who was part of this ! Many thanks to everyone who participated and helped make it happen :) . I hope i haven’t missed any names here ! If i have do let me know..

  1. Eric Van Doom
  2. Markus Hermann
  3. Lewyllie
  4. Beat
  5. Nant
  6. Dario Peroni
  7. Alexander Metzler
  8. Bengt Hall
  9. Javier Mendoza
  10. Alejandro Pascoli
  11. Ulrika Hall
  12. Rowan Hoskyns Abrahall
  13. Gavin Hookman
  14. Andreas Koelln
  15. Frank Delventhal
  16. Mike Brandner (mike.b)
  17. Mike Veeckmans ( MikeV )
  18. Pierre Sempé (Peter_P)
  19. Russell English
  20. Guillaume Boutin-Lefeuvre (GuiZolaii)
  21. Derek Buntin
  22. Parth Lawate
  23. Chiara Aliotta
  24. Helvecio De Silva
  25. Lilyana Yakimova
  26. Saurabh Shah

 Thanks to Chiara for the awesome 'Make it happen' graphics ! Photo Credits - Karim & Parth