We celebrate, we party, we share and we contribute. 11 Years ago a group of 17 young 'fools' from across the globe took a big, bold step. They created Joomla!, a CMS which today is used by millions of websites across the globe. The result of the 100% volunteer efforts of thousand of tireless contributors.
In our 11th year, we have some surprises ready for users and contributors alike.
Let's celebrate the 11th birthday all together!
Share your story on how Joomla! changed your life at spreadthejoomlalove.com/joomla11 and share it with the hashtag #joomla11. Using just 11 words what are the 11 most important words or emotions you think of? A random five entrants will be selected to receive a nice surprise.
Are you making and sharing a birthday cake within your JUG, just want to celebrate or just want to share the Joomla! Love? Celebrate the birthday with us and share your moments on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or YouTube with the hashtag #joomla11!