Greetings to my fellow Joomla Community:

Google Summer of Code is close and fast approaching! I’m proud to say that over the last two years Joomla has had a very successful GSoC program with a great success rate of projects that have become major Joomla features or essential developer tools in libraries.

I’m personally excited to be able to coordinate the program again this year. It’s a fact though, the only way that such a program is successful is because of the wonderful volunteer efforts that go into coordinating the program and mentoring the students.

There are a few key places that we could really use some volunteer help this year: Project Management, Student Mentors (Primary and Backup), and Testers.

Google requires we have two dedicated project managers, this role doesn’t necessarily require code level experience, but good communication skills and some availability in terms of time would definitely be essential!

For our mentors we like to have two mentors per project, this gives our students a few people to bounce ideas off of, and hopefully a good chance of getting someone’s advice quickly when they have questions. Mentors work closely with the students and have a lot of influence on the project’s direction, timeline, goals, and overall success.

New this year is an idea to have some community members available for testing. One thing that is always needed are some people interested in testing our student’s project code. I’m planning to have a project schedule so testing can be done on a planned basis. This position will require very little time from a volunteer, but has a huge positive impact for quality projects and code, as well as getting input on the project from a larger community of people.

We would greatly appreciate any help that this wonderful Joomla community can offer us. Please take a moment to use the form below to send us your contact info! And, if you have any questions about the program please feel free to ask by sending me an email at:

Visit this Link to Volunteer as a Project Manager, Mentor, or Tester
