The newly-forming Joomla! Marketing Working Group is currently looking for new active members from the Joomla community to join our team.

If you know a fellow Joomla community member who has experience in marketing and would be available and suitable for the position, please nominate him or her - you can also nominate yourself.  If you are nominating someone else, please make sure that you've asked their permission.

Please keep in mind that this is *not* a voting contest: asking all your acquaintances to nominate or vote for you doesn't give you any bonus points :-)


What is the Marketing Working Group?

The Marketing Working Group is a newly formed group which will interface with the Leadership Team and the Marketing Advisory Group to provide marketing support to all areas of the Joomla! project.

The aim of the group is:

"To raise awareness and promote the adoption of the Joomla! CMS and Framework within the Joomla community and around the world"

Who is the Marketing Working Group looking for?

The Marketing Working Group is looking to recruit 8-10 individuals who have demonstrable experience in marketing, with fresh ideas to help move the Joomla! project forward, achieve the goals of the Marketing Working Group, and keep Joomla! at the forefront of the web design industry.

We're looking for people with the following skills and abilities:

In General:

  • comfortable working with people of different backgrounds (cultural, professional, etc);
  • being able to work on their own but also contribute to combined goals as a member of a team;
  • ability to lead small groups focused on specific projects;
  • demonstrate problem solving abilities;
  • ability to handle controversial situations;
  • general conduct of a professional and considerate nature on as well as other sites and media channels;
  • must have a reasonable and consistent amount of time to allocate towards your role on the Marketing Working Group;
  • must be willing to read and agree to abide by the Joomla Code of Conduct.

Some specific skills that would be an asset to the Marketing Working Group:

  • expertise and demonstrated results in one or more areas relating to Marketing
  • good administrative and time-management skills
  • management skills - whether in business or volunteer roles
  • international community members with English as a first or second language


If you, or someone you know, fits any combination of the above criteria and would like to be a part of Joomla's Marketing Working Group, please complete this form.

If you are nominating somebody else, please make sure that you have their permission to nominate them.

We will be welcoming nominations from today through to Friday, 6th December 2013. Applications will be reviewed and successful candidates will be publicly announced in a blog post.

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