During the last year we've shared some hard numbers behind Joomla's growth. We saw that Joomla.org has grown 50% in 2 years and also that there were now 1/2 million forum users, 25 million Joomlacode downloads of Joomla and over 8000 extensions on the JED.
This weekend marks another important milestone: 2011 will be the busiest year ever for Joomla!Days.
The community have a done a great job listing all over the Joomla!Days that have taken place: https://docs.joomla.org/Joomla!Days. The previous high was 23 events in 2009. This year there have been 21 events already and four more are planned for this week alone:
- Joomla!Day Australia - November 5-6, 2011 - Sydney, Australia
- Joomla!Day Finland - November 5, 2011 - Helsinki, Finland
- Joomla!Day Spain - November 9-10, 2011 - Zaragoza, Spain
- Joomla!Day Midwest - November 12, 2011 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA
Thank You
It's worth taking a moment to thank all of the organizers who have made all of the previous 100+ events possible.
The Dutch community deserves a mention: every year they've run a Joomla!Day once and sometimes even twice.
Also, welcome to the newcomers in 2011: Chile, Algeria, Malaysia, Greece, Chicago, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milwaukee, Israel.
We hope to see all of you at a Joomla!Day in 2012. If you think you can help us hold even more events next year, the Joomla community has a great guide on how to get started.