The Joomla! Event Traveller Programme (JET) is pleased to announce that we will be taking applications from the worldwide Joomla community for the upcoming JandBeyond, to be held between 2nd-4th June 2017 Kraków Poland.
A budget has been approved for use by the JET team to run the program for JAB 2017.
Please consider these limitations before applying for the program, also because of the financial restrictions, we have included the option for you to elect to pay for your ticket, accommodation and/or flight, the selection criteria will not take these items into account, but if you are able to contribute something towards your attendance, it will free up more funds for those that are less able to.
Please also check that you will not be already be covered for the trip by your project team (if any).
The deadline for applications is the 26th of March 2017 and the recipients will be announced by the 29th of March 2017.
Application Criteria
Please note, these criteria and conditions must be met.
Please read the guidelines carefully. Good luck!
The criteria to be followed by the JET Team for the election of candidates is as follows:
Applications of the candidates will be arranged in accordance with the contributions made to the Joomla project (especially during the last year) based on the information enclosed in the application and duly proven with recommendations from team or working group leaders.
Subsequently, all applicants will be accepted in order of appearance in the final list until the estimated budget for this edition of the JET Programme is reached.
This is an opportunity for the entire Joomla community, however, priority will be given to those participants who have not yet received a JET recognition.
The JET Team will give special consideration to well written applications that include details and timeframes of their participation in the Joomla project.
You must have a valid passport and be eligible for any necessary travel visas. Please contact your local Embassy to know if a travel visa is required. Expenses to acquire any travel documents are not included with the JET