Image Credit: Chiara Aliotta
We launched the final release of Joomla 2.5 today. We've watched the most incredible community come together for this release. The marketing team worked closely with the Update Working Group and Leadership to create artwork, infographics, videos and raise awareness of Joomla 2.5 end of support.
This is just the beginning of the Joomla! Upgrade Awareness campaign. Over the next few weeks, we'll be introducing some exciting new Marketing initiatives for Joomla. As always, we'll share details on updates as we release them.
A huge thank you to everybody who made this happen!
Our Creative Marketers include:
- Jessica Dunbar
- Helvecio "Elvis" da Silva
- Chiara Aliotta
- Parth Lawate
- Mike Veeckmans
- Arvind (JoomlArt)
Our Tireless Developers (yes, these geeks can Market!)
- Michael Babker
- George Wilson
- Tom Hutchison
Our International Translators
- Sandra & MAT
- Alex Smirnov
A special thank you to the Joomla! Update Working Group
- Jenn Gress
- Jacques Rentzke
- Dan Cruson
- Connie Lippert
- Patrick Jackson