A month ago, we announced that sh404SEF had been selected as the first new JED Editors' Pick in quite a while.

I also outlined some of the criteria we use when choosing an extension: its remarkably useful, free to download, well-supported and works on both 1.0 and 1.5. Editors' Picks don't have to check all those boxes, but it helps and our new choice certainly does ... JoomlaPack.

Why does JoomlaPack do?

  1. It allows Joomla users to regularly backup the database and all the files on their site.
  2. It allows you to easily move a site, by creating a full backup with an custom installer. This means you can install your site on a new server in the same way you'd install a fresh version of Joomla.

Why was JoomlaPack chosen?

  1. It meets a vital security need for Joomla site owners ... backing up their sites on a regular basis.
  2. It has great documentation
  3. There's very active support on their forums
  4. New versions are regularly released and the component is under active development.